I am not trying to be a jerk but a certain user has uploaded a ridiculous amount of pictures that have absolutely nothing to do with the purpose of this website and it is causing users to spend to much time sorting through erroneus files to find pictures,maps, etc. that could be useful to discussing the play. I think this is somthing the administrator should fix. I anyone wants to know what I am talking about just peruse the photo section, this is a Haynesville Shale website not Flickr.

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"If you give a mouse a cookie" lol isnt that the title of a book for kids?
Or give a moose a muffin, or a pig a pancake. Great quote from the renouned author Numeroff, who writes contemporary works we might liken to modern fables along the lines of classic Aesop. I know what you've been reading at bedtime. Gotta love it! :)
My childhood favorite book was actually "everybody poops" (the illustrations are superb) its what I like to call a primitive analogoy to the phrase "...and your s$%t don't stink" which brings me back to a favorite cause the lack of sanitation and the proliferation of disease, infant mortality and matricide in the 3rd world....
Not me - I saw it on Robot Chicken.
Then Robot Chicken (huh?????) was reading it. LOL Sorry, I'm off topic.
I taught preschool, we loved all those books!
I Love that book. My kids when they were liitle would ask me to read it every night.
I agree, give MC her own photo folder. Even though I sometimes didn't completely understand the text, National Geographic could mesmerize me for hours as a kid.

Now, back to the books, and off topic ... I see all the "closet" children's book readers coming out. Funny, I'd rather read most of those than some adult stuff. Maybe it's the simplicity & truth in the message. How about Jack Prelutsky (wild & crazy), Jan Brett (illustrations), even good old fashioned Dr. Seuss? Okay, adult swim!
That & Charlie Brown Christmas, clamation series "Rudolph," Frosty the Snowman." Funny story. When my brother-in-law was little and fist saw the Frosty show, it aired on his birthday. When Frosty came to life & yelled "Happy Birthday" he thought Frosty was speaking to him personally. Now he can't live it down.

I think if the networks ever tried to take those off the air, die hard fans would go looking, with shotguns, for the Grinch that made that call.
FYI - to the right above the pictures, You can sort based on most "recently added," "highest rated," "most popular"....
I agree that some picture are somewhat frivolous to the mission of GoHaynesville members. However, we are in a period of stagnation and there is not much to talk about. We seem to be moving into a time when we just need to simply stay in contact with one another through example: Spout off and Politics discussions.

We need two sections for photos or put a shelf life (delete) on the entertainment photos.
I agree that things are getting a little stagnant. I am ready for a little more excitement myself. All these rigs are going up around me and units being formed. All I can say is "when's it my turn?" lol
On a side note, how much space is needed to build a pad site? O&G can use my property....we'll be more than happy to sell it to them and then they can tear down the house to build a pad site. At least we wouldn't have to fix it up to sell it. People across the street are selling their house..the O&G company could use it for the parking. It's easily accessible from a major hwy (Hwy 1) plus it's on a dead end street. Now, the neighbors may not care too much about all the noise. Hey...it could happen.


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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