Major move to the south in San Augustine Co., this well is 12.1 miles southwest of San Augustine in the A. Spear, Abstract 43. Woohoo!! all you south county people!

Status # 687761
OP # 251691 - ENCANA OIL & GAS(USA) INC.
Pending Approval ,
Submitted: 11/23/2009 ,Filed: Online
New Drill 15000'
Field - Wildcat

Views: 1407

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I am very curious. Keep us out of town folks informed. Thanks
Any activity or news about the Well.
No news. Maybe we'll here something Wednesday but I doubt it.

First Quarter 2010 Results
Time: 10:00 a.m. MDT (12:00 p.m. EDT)
Presenter: Encana Executive Team
Webcast: Listen to webcast

April 21, 2010 Encana's Annual & Special Meeting of Shareholders
Any activity going on?
I have'nt seen where anyone has any current info. I suspect Farmbrad would be one of the first to know. There has been a whole lot of tight lipped stuff going on lately and this, the Ironosa,and the Endeavor well in Sabine County are the poster childs for this. Notice how these three are very important for proving up limits of the shale and production worthiness. Looks like we shall have to continue to wait on news.
I listened to the Cabot call yesterday and they explained in some detail what the hold-up is with pumping crews. It seems that the companies who can schedule well completions some months out because they are drilling more wells (XTO, EOG) have priority and everyone else has to get in line and wait for an opening in the queue in order to get a well fracked. They said the wait, right now, is about two months.

I do agree that there is a concerted effort to not divulge information on these wells... information that would enable mineral owners when making lease decisions.
In this case, no news is probably very good news. Otherwise, the OG would be beating mineral rights owners over the head with the bad initial test results.
How did we all become so cynical???
The more we are educated, the more cynical we become. When Cheerleader becomes cynical, reality of the times has a strong foothold. The latest rumor and I repeat rumor is the Blackstone A43 1H is scheduled to start the frac process within two weeks.
Thanks for the update. Seems there was such a rush to get the land leased and searching out who owned the rights and such and now kinda slowed down a bit or at least it seems that way. Just will have to wait and see.
Due to the price of NG there is not a great incentive to complete these wells... at this time. Our angst is over not knowing well results but it is better for everyone involved to leave that gas in the ground until prices (and demand) improve somewhat.
Amen, sister....let them build infrastructure & set us up for the future. By the way, the infrastructure activity of late is a GREAT indicator!
Go for the oil !!! [while we wait]



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