PIPELINE contracts.....lets get ahead this time or is it too late

people are still reeling from the cheap leasing that took alot of familes & generations fast.

where do we start on the pipline leasing ?/

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Were they going through her driveway and across her lawn?

Where the right of way IS also determines the price.

Okay, this is all new to us. Just got approached by CHK today to lease easement for pipeline on our property on Blanchard Furrh Road. They have initially offered $150/rod for a 50' easement. Half of this 4 acre lot was leased last month by my husband's ex and my husband has not leased his half yet. There are only 23 acres in our section unleased. From what I am reading, this offer seems low. I imagine everyone else will not ask for more on the pipeline leasing as that seems to be our experience with leasing the mineral rights. Is there anything that we need to be aware of since our property's mineral rights have not yet been leased? If you ask for more, won't they just go around us? I imagine they can do that, but to go through our property is just a straighter shot to their goal.
You may want to read some of the old discussions on pipelines.

I don't know how to put a direct link, but others may.
Thanks Parker! I'll see what I can find - here we go again!!
What ever you do, take it slow and make sure you understand it all.

Even if they go elsewhere, it is better than making a bad move. There can be many items that you don't think of now that can impact you in the future.

You will never be able to put a structure or timber on that easement again.

Just take your time. The up front money is always tempting (even when it is very small). It seems like free money. Just make sure that it is something you will be happy with in the future as well.

I am not saying that it won't be, just make sure you understand all of the details.
Hi !!

I have been approached by a company to build a lease road on my property to get to another section where they are going to be drilling. My land is in Jackson Parish. They want to build it a 1/4 or 1/2 mile and I have been offered $12,000. It sounds to me that they are low balling me. Thanks!!!
Hey Sam, I just got around to reading this. Is there anything you can add to this information. And, I was wondering if they put out agreements on record at the courthouse? I know there would be no $ amount on the agreements, but there might be lotz of good information from reading someone else's agreement....what do you think?
Sorry. I don't have anything new to add to this information. I was told a couple of weeks ago that the survey for a pipeline ROW on my property has been put on hold. However, last week I read a post from an attorney with a checklist of items to put in your agreement. If I can find it, I will let you know where it is. Keep us posted on anything you find out. Thanks, SAM
I leased about a month ago for a 40' pipeline easement on my property. I was offered a low amount at first but through the grapevine heard the land had been cleared on both sides of me and I was the last to sign. The total acreage leased was around 1 acre and I had standing timber. I settled for $150 a rod plus 30 years what my timber was worth. I was happy with the outcome in Red River Parish if this helps anyone.
How would you calculate what 30 years of timber would be worth?
I, also, am waiting for the answer to calulating the value of 30 years of timber. I am wondering, also, if Louisiana Mainstream is the same as Louisiana Midstream as this is the name of the company on the contract sent to us. I am still waiting for someone to tell us what to expect for an annual rental.
I think I would hire a forester who is knowledgeable in this.


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