Pelosi "God Sent Us OBAMA?" VIDEO: Obama Kids Sing for Dear Leader...

When I viewed this You Tube Video I personally found it very disturbing. When you view it I'll be interested to see what your thoughts are, both republican and democrate.
In our economic times i understand that is priority and it will soon be worked out and we will all go forward. One thing we can't afford is to make the wrong decision on November 4th. We need to be informed and ask questions no matter what party you support. These are times of great decision making not only for our new leader but for us as americans.

Since starting this discussion only a few hours ago at best, FOX NEWS has picked up this video and it is now on their main web page... go to

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Oooooooooooooh Rozzy, you done gone and done it now!!
LOL!!! I cannot help it... Sorry...
According to polls that's what people are doing to McCain.......LEAVING HIM ALONE!
Like the super nice images you and others have posted. Get serious, there's enough dirt from both sides. If you threw seeds in it it would yield a crop big enough to cure world hunger. It will get worse as time draws closer to election day. I bet your side will launch the first dirty bomb.

OK can we move on now?
I've heard enough OGCalifornia. If you would put forth as much effort in California as you are ragging on George Bush and the U.S. maybe California wouldn't be going bankrupt and perverted. Far leftists are the problem with this country. That's because they've been brain washed in those colleges full of socialist and communist professors that don't believe in God, our country or anything good. Those that weren't brainwashed had parents that taught them morals, ethics, & the love of God and country. Please stay in California.
First of all I suggest you take a remedial reading comprehension class. I have never "ragged" on this country. Secondly the a republican is at the helm in this state and is in accord with Bush so no wonder the state is in a financial mess.
LOL! Touche'.
Peace. Sorry about the typos in the last post.
OG, you far-lefties have been spending too many nights in the arms of Barney Frank.
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