Pelosi "God Sent Us OBAMA?" VIDEO: Obama Kids Sing for Dear Leader...

When I viewed this You Tube Video I personally found it very disturbing. When you view it I'll be interested to see what your thoughts are, both republican and democrate.
In our economic times i understand that is priority and it will soon be worked out and we will all go forward. One thing we can't afford is to make the wrong decision on November 4th. We need to be informed and ask questions no matter what party you support. These are times of great decision making not only for our new leader but for us as americans.

Since starting this discussion only a few hours ago at best, FOX NEWS has picked up this video and it is now on their main web page... go to

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I could'nt resist
Coonman you are GREAT!!
too funny!
cute video but doesn't belong on this web site about Haynesville shale. off the subject. Not sure why Natch finds this distrubing. It's freedom of speech, freedom to sing, freedom to make a choice. This video is not nearly as distrubing as some of the SNL skits. I'm in favor of any kind of change that might help us out regardless of who will be in the white house.
Yes it does belong here! Yes it is disturbing....this phsycopathic material belongs any where americans can see it. You want change get out and vote for Hussien Obama NOV 4TH....and you will get change.....may not be the kind you had intended but it will be change......COUNTRY FIRST!
How's this for change Rocker.....the person you may be standing next to at the voting booth in 2 years may be a convicted felon
I am curious… What will happen to all of those Obama supporters if he becomes president and then screw up our country? Will his supporters continue to sit there covering their eyes pretending not to see the destruction of our country or will they continue to blame the republicans and hold Obama up as the cure for America? You can only be blinded for so long before someone with compassion come to uncover your eyes. If Obama become president we can get ready for our long trip to hell in a hand basket full of same-sex marriages, abortion, lawlessness, and a Godless country just to name a few…

Here’s To Change…
Where have you been for the last almost 8 years? Surely you must know all those things are happening now. That's why we need CHANGE, the change that no Republican bring. Obama has not been elected yet and already you have forgotten what a crappy situation he will inherit when he is elected. Bush inherited a surplus and look at the situation we're in financially. Frankly I am pissed about have to hand over 700B$ to his posse.
The only thing I can say to you OG is "See You At The Polls" November 4th...
I think the difference is SNL doesn't use kids and the second answer is do those kids really have freedom of speech or is it just what mommy and daddy want's them to do.
You always bring up an interesting point.
And I suppose she is stupid enough to think.... "God Sent Us Pelosi"



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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