OIL AND GAS NEWS (LOCATIONS & COMLETIONS) - August 1, 2010 -shreveporttimes.com

Caddo Parish

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra su155; Morrell 5-15-14 h, 001, Sec. 8, T15N, R14W, Caspiana, 17050' MD 12700' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra su68; Morris 35-17-15 h, 001, Sec. 35, T17N, R15W, Greenwood Waskom, 16700' MD 11800' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra su68; Morris 35-17-15 h, 001, Sec. 35, T17N, R15W, Greenwood Waskom, 16700' MD 11800' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra sut; Talbert 9-14-16 h, 001, Sec. 16, T14N, R16W, Bethany Longstreet, 17000' MD 11700' TVD, Haynesville RA.

EOG Resources Inc, ha ra su65; McKelvey 28 h, 1, Sec. 28, T16N, R16W, Greenwood Waskom, 15679' MD 11121' TVDm, Haynesville Res A.

EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra sut; Crow 8, 001, Sec. 8, T14N, R15W, Bethany Longstreet, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Haynesville Res A.

EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra sus; Red Oak Timber 7, 001-alt, Sec. 6, T14N, R15W, Bethany Longstreet, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Bienville Parish

Petrohawk Operating Co, ha ra suqq; MC La Minerals LLC 30h, 001, Sec. 19, T16N, R9W, Lake Bistineau, 16874' MD 11769' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Petrohawk Operating Co, ha ra suii; Montgomery Interest 12h, 001, Sec. 13, T16N, R9W, Lake Bistineau, 19117' MD 13407' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Claiborne Parish

Stroud Petroleum Inc, Chatman, 001, Sec. 8, T21N, R6W, McKenzie, 9500' MD, Cotton Valley non-unitized.

DeSoto Parish

Beusa Energy Inc, ha ra sul; M W Lavigne 11, 02, Sec. 11, T12N, R15W, Grand Cane, 11675' MD 16342' TVD, HA RA.

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ASJ etal 4 h, 001, Sec. 4, T10N, R11W, Grogan, 18100' MD 13000' TVD, Lower Haynesville non-unitized.

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ASJ etal 4 h, 001, Sec. 4, T10N, R11W, Grogan, 18100' MD 13000' TVD, Lower Haynesville non-unitized.

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha rd sudd; AWTBEGOOD 19-14-11 h, 001, Sec. 37, T14N, R11W, Red River Bull Bayou, 17550' MD 12700' TVD, Haynesville RD.

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra suee; 5 MC'S 17-10-11 h, 001, Sec. 17, T10N, R11W, Grogan, 18600' MD 13500' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra suee; 5 MC'S 17-10-11 h, 001, Sec. 17, T10N, R11W, Grogan, 18600' MD 13500' TVD, Haynesville RA.

EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra suh; Moran 28, 007-alt, Sec. 21, T14N, R13W, Holly, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Haynesville RA.

EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra su1114; Peoples 28, 002-alt, Sec. 28, T14N, R12W, Caspiana, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Haynesville RA.

EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra su135; Wheless etal 5, 007, Sec. 5, T14N, R12W, Caspiana, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Haynesville RA.

J-W Operating Co, ha ra sua; Tatum 20, 001, Sec. 20, T12N, R15W, Grand Cane, 16500' MD 11713' TVD, Haynesville Res A.

XTO Energy Inc, ha rb sujj; Ford 31h, 1-alt, Sec. 30, T13N, R14W, Bethany Longstreet, 17000' MD 12000' TVD, Haynesville Res B.

Natchitoches Parish

Chesapeake Operating Inc, cv ra suc; Hood 17-13-7 h, 001, Sec. 17, T13N, R7W, Ashland, 20300' MD 15300' TVD, Cotton Valley RA.

Samson Contour Energy E&P LLC, ha ra suaa; Godfrey Land & Timber 5h, 001, Sec. 5, T10N, R10W, Grogan, 19500' MD 13750' TVD, Haynesville Res A.

Samson Contour Energy E&P LLC, ha ra suaa; Godfrey Land & Timber 5h, 001, Sec. 5, T10N, R10W, Grogan, 19500' MD 13750' TVD, Haynesville Res A.

Red River Parish

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra suz; Clinton 11-14-12 h, 001, Sec. 11, T14N, R12W, Thorn Lake, 17300' MD 12600' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha rb su58; Nolan 34-13-11 h, 001, Sec. 34, T13N, R11W, Red River Bull Bayou, 18300' MD 12700' TVD, Haynesville RB.

Sabine Parish

Nabors Johnson Prod Co Inc, Nabors-Logan, 56, Sec. 26, T10N, R13W, Pleasant Hill, 4500' MD, GlenRose.

Nabors Johnson Prod Co Inc, Nabors-Logan, 56, Sec. 26, T10N, R13W, Pleasant Hill, 4500' MD, GlenRose.

SWEPI LP, LA Minerals 6, 1, Sec. 31, T10N, R11W, Grogan, 17800' MD 13050' TVD, Jurassic stray non-unitized.

SWEPI LP, ha ra sug; Olympia Minerals 18, 001, Sec. 18, T8N, R10W, Zwolle, 17700' MD 13700' TVD, Haynesville Res A.

Webster Parish

XTO Energy Inc, cvsu; XTO Gleason 31, 2, Sec. 31, T22N, R9W, Cotton Valley, 11900' MD, Gray Sand.

Caddo Parish

COMPANY: Chanse Energy Corporation, Fuller A, 110: 241353. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 26, T. 22N R. 15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: n/a mcf gas on open/64 choke; 2.5 barrels 21 gravity condensate; 35 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch; perforations, 964 feet, depth, 1107 feet.

COMPANY: Chanse Energy Corporation, Fuller A, 111: 241354. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 26, T. 22N R. 15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: n/a mcf gas on open/64 choke; 2 barrels 21 gravity condensate; 30 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch; perforations, 964 feet, depth, 1099 feet.

COMPANY: Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra sum; Bedsoe 19-16-14 h, 1: 240362. WHERE: Metcalf, S 19, T. 16N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 16656 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 302 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11636-16125 feet, depth, 16221 feet.

COMPANY: Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra surr; Freeman 5-16-15 h, 001: 240468. WHERE: Johnson Branch, S 5, T. 16N R. 15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 13056 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 998 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11614-16063 feet, depth, 16165 feet.

COMPANY: Petrohawk Operating Co, ha ra sue; Hamel Family, 1: 239502. WHERE: Cedar Grove, S 37, T. 17N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 7819 mcf gas on 16/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 182 barrels water. PRESSURE: 7457 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11330-17986 feet, depth, 18067 feet.

COMPANY: Petrohawk Operating Co, ha ra su96; Hutchinson Heirs 8 h, 1: 240529. WHERE: Elm Grove, S 17, T. 15N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 8167 mcf gas on 14/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 80 barrels water. PRESSURE: 7776 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11586-16097 feet, depth, 16185 feet.

Bossier Parish

COMPANY: Diamond Oil LLC, vua; Vice 13, 001: 240121. WHERE: Bellevue, S 13, T. 19N R. 11W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 135 mcf gas on 18/64 choke; 20 barrels 36 gravity condensate; 45 barrels water. PRESSURE: 725 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville non-unitized; perforations, 6698-7922 feet, depth, 8260 feet

COMPANY: J-W Operating Co, ha ra su60; Womack 2, 1: 240094. WHERE: Elm Grove, S 11, T. 16N R. 11W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 11000 mcf gas on 18/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 80 barrels water. PRESSURE: 5800 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville Res A; perforations, 11814-16217 feet, depth, 16315 feet.

Bienville Parish

COMPANY: El Paso E&P Co LP, cv su; J Harrison H, 1: 240497. WHERE: Bear Creek, S 2, T. 16N R. 6W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 1704 mcf gas on 18/64 choke; 11.69 barrels 51 gravity condensate; 167 barrels water. PRESSURE: 1250 lbs. SPECIFICS: Cotton Valley; perforations, 10510-12520 feet, depth, 13707 feet.

DeSoto Parish

COMPANY: Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra sue; Curry 12-12-16 h, 1: 240509. WHERE: Logansport, S 12, T. 12N R. 16W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 14904 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 859 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11663-15671 feet, depth, 15780 feet.

COMPANY: EOG Resources Inc, ha ra suc; Sustainable Forest 5, 4-alt: 240393. WHERE: Ten Mile Bayou, S 5, T. 11N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 9556 mcf gas on 18/64 choke; 0 barrels 0 gravity condensate; 790 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: HA RA; perforations, 12025-16591 feet, depth, 16708 feet.

COMPANY: EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra su145; Donner Prop 33, 3: 240775. WHERE: Caspiana, S 33, T. 15N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 14923 mcf gas on 20/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 220 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12144-15810 feet, depth, 16110 feet.

COMPANY: J-W Operating Co, ha ra supp; C E Peace 24, 3: 240473. WHERE: Caspiana, S 24, T. 15N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 18600 mcf gas on 24/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 469 barrels water. PRESSURE: 7000 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11437-15597 feet, depth, 15704 feet.

COMPANY: Petrohawk Operating Co, ha ra su98; Parsons 8 h, 1: 240538. WHERE: Caspiana, S 8, T. 15N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 7891 mcf gas on 14/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 165 barrels water. PRESSURE: thru csg lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11943-16538 feet, depth, 16635 feet.

Red River Parish

COMPANY: EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc, ha ra sug; Joanna Carson 4h, 1: 240295. WHERE: Carroll Creek, S 4, T. 12N R. 9W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 23884 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 1392 barrels water. PRESSURE: no tbg lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 13195-17049 feet, depth, 17105 feet.

Webster Parish

COMPANY: Indigo Minerals LLC, hay rb sua; Alice Thomas est 31, 1-alt: 240588. WHERE: Shongaloo, S 31, T. 23N R. 9W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 1102 mcf gas on 48/64 choke; 8 barrels 56 gravity condensate; 650 barrels water. PRESSURE: 750 lbs. SPECIFICS: Hay RB; perforations, 10386-10452 feet, depth, 10695 feet.

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I noticed a well completed and producing in Caddo Parish that has not been updated on Sonris. I always thought this information was based off what was updated on Sonris. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
Which well are you referring to Scott?
Bledsoe 19-16-14
Though the SONRIS Lite Well Scout report section of the Bledsole 19-16-14H #1 Well File does not show a completion report, it is obvious that the well is completed and tested as the "Allowable" section of the file shows 16,656. I suspect that the reporter for The Times reviewed the hard copy of the completion report at the Office of Conservation District Office in Shreveport. And that the full report has not been entered into the database. Only the SONRIS staff could offer an explanation as to why this happens periodically. If you are following a well that you expect is completed but does not have a completion report in the Well Scout, scroll on down further and look at the "Test" and "Allowable" sections of the report. This is the first allowable listing without the test results that I can recall but there have been quite a few test results posted (which tells you all the completion data you need to know) without the corresponding completion report.
The well was given an allowable on SONRIS 7-1-2010.

It is not under scout reports, but under the well allowable section.

It also shows up on the weekly scout report for the shreveport district. The hard copy of the report will be filed with the district, but only when it is scanned in in baton rouge will it show up in the documant database.
The portion of a SONRIS Well File in which the progress of a well is documented from permit to completion is the SCOUT INFO. This is the Well File section I refer to as Well Scout. The Weekly Scout Report for the district, updated each Thursday, is a different section of the database and covers all parishes/fields/wells in District 6. My apologies if I was not sufficiently clear.
Wow. Thanks guys for the feedback. Only on this site can you get your question answered so throughly and quick. You guys are great.


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