PIPELINE contracts.....lets get ahead this time or is it too late

people are still reeling from the cheap leasing that took alot of familes & generations fast.

where do we start on the pipline leasing ?/

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Hi, this is the answer you gave me...and I thank you. Eat Beef,
It was approx. 1 acre of timber and the easement was around 1700 feet. I would not allow them to work outside the easement described on the plat, therefore you could probably demand more since they are taking trees in the work area. I did not get to salvage the trees. Hope this all helps. I believe I could have requested more, but money is not the main focus here on my part. I wanted the pipeline laid for hopefully future developement.
How old were your trees..I assume they were pine? You said, "The company cruised my timber on the land to be used in the easement, gave me more than the present value and multiplied times 30." What company cruised your timber? A private company or the pipeline company themselves? Was the amount they gave you for present value and multiplied times 30 yrs? So that's present value times 30 years? So, did they use $500.00 an acre for present value on your approx. one acre of land? My husband that use to be a timber contractor in East Texas, said, what I have would appraise for about $1000.00 beacuse of the size and amount of timber on an acre of land, for mixed small to large size hardwood, with some pine. This is river bottom land, cut over years ago. So, $1,000.00 an acre times 30 yrs....+$30,000.00 an acre. for future growth. ( I met with the company ROW man today, for the second time, and he said, he never heard of paying for future growth...HA I think they staked the ROW, thru mostly my clean pasture land, to keep from paying me for my timber. I would rather it go through the timber, than my open pasture land. I just don't want to see that pipeline there from now on. I understand what you were saying about wanting the pipeline there for future production of Oil and Gas in your area.
Thanks Gina
I have been approached by a company to build a road through part of my land in Jackson Parish. They want to get to another section to drill. I have been offered $75.00 a rod and 30 yr. reimbursement for the timber lost. What are other folks being offered? Much thanks!!!


$200 a rod has been the starting point for most around Springridge area. Some have been offered as much as $275 a rod.

And some have mentioned as much as $15,000 per acre for timber damages.

All of this was before the bottom fell out of the stock market though.

The best advice I have received is to have an attorney handle the ROW for you. I would highly recommend Randall Davidson.
Or contact a forestry company for timber appraisal, they are most knowledgeable in this area.
Parker, I don't know where Springridge area, is maybe it's a subdivision. Perhaps the offers starting at $200 a rod, are for ROW's less than 500 feet across someone's land, or do some of these folks have large acreages. And the 15,000 for timber damages, does that include future timber growth? Just asking. And somewhere on this site I saw a web address of where we can look up our abstract and find out who has leased. I was hoping to find the names of the people on the pipeline ROW where I live so I can call them and see what they are being offered and tell them what I know. I am in Shelby county Texas. I did go to the TRR site, and found that after entering my abstract number that I never could get anything...said no such abstract...I much be doing something wrong...go a map of the general area, but nothing else.
Eat Beef,

The only way that I know to check and see who the owners are is to go to the Appraisal District and look at the ownership maps and then go to the Clerk's office and run the conveyance records with those owners names.

The Springridge area is a subdivision in Southwest Shreveport close to the Texas line off Colquit Road.

When I was approached about a pipeline, I was offered $25 per rod to begin with.

In order to come up with a figure of what the timber would be worth over 30 years of growth, you would need to figure how many cuttings you would have during that time. If it is worth $1000 per acre now that doesn't mean that it would be worth $30,000 for 30 years. Let's say you let it grow for 10 years and then thin it and clear cut in another 20. I DO NOT KNOW BEANS ABOUT TIMBER - I AM JUST TRYING TO ILLUSTRATE HOW IT WOULD BE FIGURED.

To me the most important thing is where and if you want the pipeline on your property. MAKE THEM PUT IT WHERE IT IS THE LEAST NUISANCE TO YOU.

It sounds like it is farm land presently. If your family decides to develop it 20 years down the road, where would be the best place for the pipeline. Others have suggested alongside a road or alongside the fence line.

Try to imagine as far into the future as you can.

Thanks for your information. Now, I know more about where Springridge is, I think I cut thru there, from Logansport, on my way to Shreveport. And, it is much more populated than where I live. So when you were offered, $25.00 a rod to begin with, how did you ever get them up on that price?
On my timber, there isn't that much, it's about $5,000.00 standing on the ground at this time. They told me I had to have it appraised by a certified, timber appraiser. And, that they would not pay future values at all. He even said, "why lighting could strike those trees and you wouldn't be able to sell them if that happened". I said, oh come on, you sound like an insurance adjuster. HA And he added, that timber appraisal would be at your expense. And, as far as location, I told them the very first day I saw the stakes in the ground, that I would not accept that location for their ROW. They continue to say, it will go there, and no where else. I guess I am going to get an attorney. Know any good one in East Texas?
Eat Beef,

Check and see if Mr. Davidson practices in E. Texas also.

The main thing that you need to know first of all is if they have a RIGHT to put the pipeline on your property.

If the lease that you signed gives them the right, you are not in as strong of a negotiating position. That doesn't mean however that they can run over you.

The more information you have about your situation the stronger your negotiating powers are. No sense to fight battles that are irrelevant.
Whitaker, Chalk, Swindle & Sawyer, LLP (www.whitakerchalk.com) in Fort Worth, Texas.
Eat Beef,
It was approx. 1 acre of timber and the easement was around 1700 feet. I would not allow them to work outside the easement described on the plat, therefore you could probably demand more since they are taking trees in the work area. I did not get to salvage the trees. Hope this all helps. I believe I could have requested more, but money is not the main focus here on my part. I wanted the pipeline laid for hopefully future developement.
My mother, sister and I own 20 acres in Pleasant Hill. My dad's brother owns land next to us. An oil company drilled a well on my uncle's property and now we are being contracted by them to go across our property for a pipeline. Around 53 rods will be used for a 15ft construction ROW which will come down to a 10ft ROW. We were offered $25 a rod but said no, then we were offered $50 a rod. It is a 2 inch plastic pipe pipeline that will run into a bigger pipeline. The pipeline is to come half way across our property and angle up to the property next to ours. Our property is all pasture land and we rent it out for hay. Is this a good price and will we be able to keep renting it out? I work for an abstract company in Many and everyone says that the price is too low.
too low


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