Just got an offer from Chesapeake for $5000 ac. acre for southwest S'port. What is the opinion of this forum? Fair? Of course lease will have to be fine tuned to exclude costs. This is for residential lots


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Or was that a MMCFTI ? (merely momemtary chuckle for the informed)
LOL! Don't get us started, ledlights.
Personally I think ROTFMMCMAO has a nice ring to it, Skip.

- Rolling on the floor merely momentarily chuckling while squeezing the weenie out of a hotdog.

Okay, I'm done
dear lord, it must be friday...
ledlights, newbies get confused enough with company abbreviations CHK, HK, QEP) and industry terms like PBHL, HBP, etc. if you wish to be in charge of giving the definitions for all this alphabet soup, I will ask Keith to set you up a group page. Then us regular posters can link questioners to your page instead of answering the same basic questions for the umpteenth time. We really do appreciate it. ROTFLOL.
Skip, you know how to shut a person up...almost Somehow I thought my GHS destiny was for some greater calling than the task of abbrev. lexicographer. But it might be a worthwhile service. I will start collecting them and see what I can come up with. All donations welcomed
Hey ole' buddy, I think your gonna be left squeezing your own weenie.
Have a great time!
Maybe the group could be called "OMGWTFBBQ."

That would be "Oh My God Where's The Frackin BBQ"?

Keith - could I get one of those T-shirts?

Got to be MMCFTI for a GHS member.


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