I have mineral rights in Nacogdoches, Texas that is located in the JM Mora Survey area, and I received a letter from a company requesting to buy my rights. I am wondering if I should or not but I do not know much about what is going on. Is there any activity in this area? Is there even a well that is digging and/or producing? Is there potential for money down the road on royalties, or is it best to sell? Is it gas or oil that is more of an interest there right now? Any help at all is greatly appreciated! Thank you.

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Thanks ledlights, that clarify's much of my online search effort.I guess sometimes one just has to use the phone. And I am trying to figure the potential of my lease.
You guys don't seem too concerned about NG prices falling and how it might effect
new development.However, from what I've learned on this site so far,quite a bit of activity seems to be going on.
We've already been through this. $4 is low but it has been lots lower in recent memory. Hopefully, it will start back in an upward direction this fall.
The appraisal district has tobin maps and index cards on the tracts in each survey. Chireno survey is big enough that you need to research the tracts enough to find legal descriptions that have references to roads, creeks, landmarks, adjacent property, etc... something to help you place them on the ground. Sometimes there will be a reference to someone elses corner or there will have a deed call that follows the meanders of a creek or the curve in a road or gives a distance from the intersection of two roads.

If you are leased, your landman can give you a snapshot of your tracts that will show them in relation to the surrounding tracts. You can take that to the appraisal district and compare them to the tobin maps and get a larger perspective. They will let you copy their maps, if you need to, for .50 per copy. They will even copy an entire quadrangle map for you @ $10.00 each.
jeffree1:This is great information!Thank you! I will definitely follow up on your direction. And I will as reallyoldguy suggests see if my landman has a copy of the Tobin map.This gives me a really concrete path to follow so I very much appreciate the responses.You guys obviously have been at this for awhile.This is the reason I joined the forum - to learn! As far as the price of NG goes,it depends on demand and the pace of our economic recovery.
Youngbird: If your minerals are under lease, you can also contact your landman and ask him for a copy of the Tobin Plat.
Youngbird, my cousin and I just recently completed a deal with Anthem Oil, in which, we collectively sold 65 acres. Ive got nothing but positive things to say about the guys at Anthem. We've got 1300 gross acres in the R. Totin just to the south of the Chireno suvey. This is an extremeely hot area, at the moment, as EOG has just announced 3 HUGE wells in the Chireno survey. I would never advocate selling minerals, especially in your survey, unless you need a brain transplant(lol). My circumstances were a little different, in that, I owned enough mineral acres that I could afford to let some go. If, however, selling your minersl, is what is in the best interest of you and your family, I would highly recommend you work with Anthem. Their money is good and they are fair. If you want to message me I can give you more details of our transaction. Hope this helps...
I need to make a correction on my previous post. EOG has just announced 2 big wells, in the Chireno survey, and EnCana announced an equally large well a few miles to the East of the Chireno survey.
And EOG has just permitted a well just west in Mora.
Hi reallyoldguy!
That is a lot of really helpful information! I appreciate your input a lot!
Much to consider.
So the JA Chireno survey is in the Tobin Plat.Thanks.
I have looked on the GIS map, but it is limited in certain ways.
And Texas doesn't participate in the BLM Land survey system - wouldn't you know.
I have a lease coming up and one in force, both have generated interest.
I do have a very sick parent, so that is part of my consideration.
However, as I said, I'm a newbie who is gathering information.No commitments yet.
Just trying to find stuff out. I thought EOG had permitted 4 wells in the Chireno survey.
Yep, Mora is hot too.
Youngbird: EOG has many wells permitted in the Chireno survey. However, they have only completed, and announced the IP(initial production) reports on two of their wells. These two wells, the Crane et al and the Murray Gas Unit, reported at 31 and 25 Mmcfd(micro million cubic feet per day), respectively.
A Tobin Plat is simply a map that shows the various tracs, of land, within a survey. Your landman can highlight your tracts, within your survey, for you. Mine did...
reallyoldguy:I read about the Crane and Murray gas units.Hadn't seen the IP reports. According to adubu's excellent example of potential income estimates, these are really good initial reports; yes? What about the two Sutton units? Any reports on those? I guess the Atkinson units are the EOG wells in the Mora Survey next to the JA Chireno survey you guys keep referring too.But 31 and 25Mmcfd, do you define them as very good or great rates for shale gas? I also saw that Valence had permitted 4 wells, but looks like they aren't doing anything. Anthem and Petrohawk are the two companies mostly associated with the lease contacts I've had.Anyway, looks like I still have some research to do! Thanks reallyoldguy!Yes, the information helps.
Youngbird: THe Atkison Units are located in the Chireno, not the Mora survey. The Sutton Units are still drilling, to the best of my knowledge. The Crane #2 Rig just came down this past week.
Yes, 25-31 Mmcfd are HUGE wells. I believe that these are the largest gas wells, on the Texas side, of the Hynesville Shale. They probably rival NW Louisianna wells. Im not too familiar w/ the Louisianna wells.
You will learn in time. There are wonderful people, on this site, who will always be willing to help! :)


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