Haynesville Shale & GHS Members Highlighted: "SHALEIONAIRES" on 60 Minutes this Sunday Evening


"SHALEIONAIRES - While some complain that extracting natural gas from shale rock formations is tainting their water supply, others who have allowed drilling on their property are getting wealthy and becoming "shaleionaires." Lesley Stahl reports. Shachar Bar-On and Meghan Frank are the producers."


The link: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/1998/07/08/60minutes/main13502.shtml




I was approached by the producer, Shachar, to assist in locating individuals for this segment. Some of you may have spoken to Shachar, or other producers, as well. Because of our assistance, the residents of NW Louisiana will be represented on this segment to its 13 million viewers. 60 Minutes airs Sundays at 7 p.m on CBS. ET/PT. Check your local listings.  

Among those interviewed for the segment are Northwest Louisiana residents CB Leatherwood and Mike Smith, who are actually cousins. The 60 Minutes crew spent a day at the Leatherwood residence interviewing both Mike and CB at the same time. If you have seen the Haynesville Documentary, you have seen Mike Smith. Mike was one of the three whose Haynesville story was featured in that documentary.


I spoke with CB shortly after the interview and he told me that he was impressed and pleased with the 60 Minutes crew finding them, “down to earth” and “real nice.” CB's goal was to show them southern hospitality during their visit. And of course, that means good food.


On a Sunday in May, an assistant producer, out of N.Y.C., showed up to screen the couple to see if they adequately fit the profile of what they needed in the segment. When the producer arrived at the Leatherwood’s home, fresh coffee cake and coffee were waiting to be had.


Toward the end of the screening (and coffee cake), CB informed the producer that she could probably find folks that had done “better” (made more money) on the Haynesville Shale. “I didn’t think we’d actually get selected,” Leatherwood added.


[Editor's Note: The producer's found CB a great story teller]


Selected they were and a CBS caravan showed up on the day of the interview with videographers, photographers and producers in tow. It was a typical hot and muggy summer day. The crew got busy and as CB puts it, “they took pictures of everything! Chickens, cats, dogs, mules…everything.”


Lesley Stahl, who would be conducting the interview, showed up to their Sabine Parish home in a chauffeured Lincoln Town Car. After Upon entering their home, Stahl promptly asked, “may I use your restroom and borrow a can of hairspray, I’ve been on a drilling rig all day.”


Welcome to showbiz.






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Interesting thought re the CSI/60 Minutes connection...i was under the impression the 60 Minutes story would run in late November or early Dec... it seemed like the decision to run it this week came rather abruptly.
Seemed like the intent was to imply all this drilling was a 3 mile island just waiting to happen and do folks really want something like that in their neighborhood?
They really didn't focus on the good NG could do for our country other than make a few lucky farmers millionaires at the expense of making a lot of folks miserable..
Does anyone care about making sure that the proccess is safe??
Yes, people do care. The fracking process IS safe. It's been proven safe over many years of experience. Efforts are ongoing to insure it's safe and to study any possible problems. There's lots of ongoing government regulation and inspection to keep it safe and to look for problems in the future.

Whenever the drilling companies do something wrong or even something possibly wrong, they get jumped on by everyone. There are complaints and news coverage when they spill something, have a fire or blowout, pollute a creek, etc.

Do any of the opponents of fracking care whether it's safe or not, or do they simply want to stir up fear no matter what the facts are?
Any time you deal with 60 minutes, you're going to end up with slime on you. That's true to some degree with most of the current media, left wing or right wing.

I had some dealings with the local media once. This wasn't even attack journalism, was non-controversial, even somewhat public service oriented. I wasn't the target, was even "on their side." There was still some sleaze and sliminess involved. Nothing serious or harmful to me, they just had to play games with me, it was in their nature. Even if the skunk doesn't spray you, your hands stink after handling it.
Anyone pay any attention to the commercials? Which companies/industries paid for airtime during this time slot?

Fox News should have done the segment on the Shale. At least they are not a bunch of liberal Obama jackasses!!!
Guys, this was much more balanced than I expected. 60 min did a good job covering both sides of a complex issue. It could have been much, much worse.

But what I loved was how Aubrey opened and closed the segment with the thought that NG can be the game changer for our nation's energy. I did not expect 60 Min to do as balanced a show. It's the fairest national piece I've seen yet.

Did you guys catch how people in PA leased their land for 25 dollars and acre? Did i hear that right? No wonder they are pissed and want to sue.

HOWEVER, SOMEONE NEEDS TO PRODUCE HISTORICAL PHOTOS SHOWING WATER IN PA ON FIRE. I've heard of this in, and perhaps see a picture or two. But, old photos are the only way the public will believe that these water fires are not caused by the fracking.

Overall this is something we can build on. It wasn't a slanted one sided show. Both the benefits and risks were covered. Aubrey did a better job than I expected. He and Lesley Stahl must have it off.
Are you saying that there is evidence the water fires were present before fracking ever started?
Yes, methane/natgas/crude oil/salt/arsenic/sulfur in water wells has been a very common problem since water wells were drilled, long before any hydraulic fracking for natgas was done.
Sheila, generally water fires have nothing to do with hydraulic fracture treatment of wells.
I agree, but too many political, rather than, logical views expressed... Lots of Republicans here... lol


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