Interesting to see that there will be a 22,000 ft well
to spud soon in Jefferson County exploring Haynesville Shale.

See Mainland Resourses----any comments??????

Tags: Activity, Mississippi

Views: 13566

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I agree and support Mr. Hess and thank him for the valuable information provided to this board. Keep up the good work, it is appreciated.

To all this season-A Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!

Thanks, Paul.  Same to you and yours.

Please share the latest Drilling report with us.  thanks for your past valuable contributions and season greetings.

William the report 12/17 listed the Burkley-Phillips #1 as 147 days drilling and did not include a depth.  There was at least one Internet report within the last 48 hours that listed a new depth.  If I find it again I will post it. The information above is from the weekly RigData report. You're welcome and I return the season greetings.

8.4 million... and they haven't even fracked yet!


Can anyone spell M-o-n-e-y P-i-t






 My thanks for your earlier kind comments William, and Electro. Jay, Jeff, Skip and others have contributed much to my understanding of this well and the venture involved. My thanks to all who do share their technical experience and knowledge for our absorbtion and analysis. Also many thanks to those who ask the questions, pro or con, that contribute to a balanced thread.

That's good Paul.....


All I want for Christmas is what Chevron wanted back in the day..... 200' of Smackover, good porosity and permamability and about 9,000# of pressure. With a structure of this size, everyone's dreams on this well  would come true.


Merry Christmas to all...

Thanks Paul, and I agree that every angle of every argument is key to this thread serving it's purpose. I stumbled across this thread when a Toolpusher said that there were rumors that all of the rigs in North LA were going to pack up and move to Mississippi in a year or two. I was curious to find out what the play was TMS or the gas shales in NE Mississippi. It turns out the rumors were inaccurate, but my finding this website has provided me with a way to spend extra time and an avenue for my money to grow a little faster. I thought that I was the only person in the world who was interested in this geology, and I'm glad to find others who share my interest. The discussions have been enjoyable and I hope they continue...


Merry Christmas....

I'll just be glad when this thread is over.

With 396 replies it may hold the record for most replies for one thread on GHS.

Deep wells require long threads...... Only 850' until TD.




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