I feel like a broken record, but I am going to ask anyway.  What is happening in Sabine? is anyone getting lease offers? if so who from? When will we know the results from the Bengal well? I do not live around there but I remember that awhile back maybe a year ago people said companies had set up offices in Sabine, are they still there?  and has anyone been released yet or anything like that?  sorry for all the questions. My curiosity is getting the best of me :)

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Chesapeake permitted their first well in San Augustine yesterday.  It's in the B. B. Pickard Survey, A-493, just west of the Blount McFaddin well.
Do you think Devon will let leases expire or will Cpk just take areas of interest out of the lease land and let rest go?

Sounded to me if Cpk wants to drill on Devon's leases they will, otherwise the lease with Devon will expire. 


The well Chesapeake permitted yesterday in San Augustine was a Devon lease.  I know one of the land owners on the plat. 

Mike, Any updates regarding CHK doing some more drilling in Northern Sabine County?

ALongview, I don't have anything more recent.  My prior info came by way of a call to Devon.  Unless someone happens to get some info from CHK we have to wait to see a permit. 

Summer,  to put your mind at rest, I got a lease offer by an oil company through a landman in Sabine County.  I don't know if the drilling rig is doing anything, however jffreel said my minerals were in the Austin Chalk area.  I would really like to share more with you, however I just don't know the rules and asking guys like jffreel, who obviously knows his stuff is really uncomfortable to me.  My mother just gave us girls the minerals in Jasper and Sabine Counties and the offer came at a pretty good time.

Terry, I'd be really interested in what kind of offer you got because I have acreage just north of Brookeland.  To say the least, it is way, way out of the Haynesville play at the moment so hearing that there might be interest once again in the Brookeland field is pretty exciting to me and, probably, to a number of other people on the site.  We don't all have minerals in "Monster Well" territory.

You don't need to post anything that you are not comfortable sharing but if you could tell us the survey name and abstract number, the company who made the offer and what they offered it would help all of us mineral owners in the area and give us something to be thinking about in case an offer comes our way.  You don't even need to say whether you took the offer or not.  That's your business.

Im happy to see that they are still out there leasing! hope the come my way soon,  Can you tell us more? pretty please :)

I just called and they are not renewing our lease in Sabine County on the Chesapeak well...Is anyone else looking at leases?  they told me we were free to lease with anyone as on the 18th of August 2011.


Shari, it would help others to know what to expect in that area if you would post the survey where your minerals are located. It's no consolation but the decision (to not renew) has more to do with the price of gas (probably) than anything else. If the situation improves later they and others will be back making new offers, I believe (or, at least, hope).
We are just south of Milam, highway 103


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