"Nebraska's top politicians have thrown their support behind TransCanada Corp's Keystone XL pipeline, and are urging the U.S. Federal government to 'expedite' its approval..."
"Nebraska's opposition was 'cited' by the U.S. State Dept. last week as the reason for delaying a decision on the $7 Billion (U.S.) 2,700-kilometer pipeline, which would open crucial new markets on the U.S. Gulf Coast to oil sands crude." "...an unnamed State Department official told The Wall Street Journal the 'full review' would take 12 to 18 months."
Here's an idea...Let's just have The U.S.A. Voters petition Canada to become its newest, largest Canadian Province. LOL With just one snap, No More American Politicians! Where do I vote?
What a great idea, if I don't mind sayin' it myself. LOL
DrWAVeSport Cd1 11/15/2011
the irony of deficient "tribal relations with the federal government" is certainly not lost on me. i do not know what negotiations if any have transpired between the government and their wards, a.k.a. "domestic dependent nations," and frankly do not care.
we are reeling from excuse to excuse here. basically the "tribes" big problem with the situation comes down to the usual "dirty energy bad, clean energy good" ...among other overarching themes that i won't bother with here. i suppose they might like to go back to living in a pre-industrial revolution society, just like all of the other neo-malthusian goofballs who fight hydrocarbon energy at every opportunity.
i will be surprised if this thing gets final presidential approval before 2013. i will not be shocked if the supply has gone elsewhere by then.
As this Keystone Pipeline extension is the FOURTH PHASE of the Keystone pipeline projects... PHASE I...Construction began 2008. PHASE II: Commissioned Feb. 2011. PHASE III and IV: Expect Construction to begin in 2013. It seems the other THREE PHASES have not/are not showing such resistance from U.S. factions. So What is it about? The Sandhills area.(?) Re-routing (?) Native Americans (?) Ecology (?) Nebraskans (?) Canadians (?) NO. U.S. POLITICS. And a "cause," that has toooooooo many bobble-heads attached to it.
If WE put that grimy, yucky, nasty, ole' diesel and gasoline in our vehicles every single day and burn it into the skies over our cities and countrysides, and the O&G Companies are allowed to burn off 30% of the Bakken's Natural Gas over the prairies of the North... Where are these Keystone bobble-heads in the Bakken, or standing on the corner of the local GAS/DIESEL Station, or fighting for CNG Stations/Vehicles/NAT GAS Legislation... Idiots. IMHO
Can not ONE Politican be found in the U.S. that can put together a cohesive, understandable, rational, fact-based argument for the PHASE IV? NO. None of them can put together a cohesive, understandable, rational, fact-based argument FOR or AGAINST anything...except when it comes to their own CAMPAIGN WAR CHESTs and filling them up. They seem to ALLLLLLLLLL know just how to do that just right....and they ALLLLLLLLL Agree on that one! A UNANIMOUS YES HEARD ROUND THE WORLD...was their call....LOL
TransCanada says it will re-route, make changes. I see no negotiations here from the bobble-heads' side.
Political mayhem... Our Politicians??? Anybody remember this past summer's U.S. DEBT and DOWNGRADE Debacle? Well, Guess WHO's Running the SHOW in every arena??? Our Wonderful U.S. Politicians!!!!
Watch the $%%^**^^%$@### DO IT AGAIN!!!!!
President Obama isn't signing anything this year for one good reason. Presidental Elections comin' up. Nothing but kissin' babies and makin' public appearances and speeches. And, raisin' $$$$$$$$.
That's the only reason the Keystone XL is still sittin' on his desk. A YES gets him no votes. A NO gets him no votes. He has no incentive either way. So, it will sit there. It has not one thing to do with anything else.
The clueless bobble-headed factions and U.S. Politicians are just HOPING that the Keystone XL "heated" debate will capture the Media headline for a while...So THEY can get on with the REALLY IMPORTANT PROJECTS in America. Getting THEMSELVES ELECTED!
Election years are never good for anything else.
DrWAVeSport Cd1 11/21/2011
sesport II,
I couldn't have said it any better!
A great Thanksgiving to you and yours.
DrWAVeSport Cd1 11/21/2011
In regard to Nebraska "Leaders" NOW pushing for U.S. to expedite Keystone Pipleline.... Ooooops! Can we have a do-over?
who run bartertown? lol.
it's the republicans fault!!
"W" gotta be in there somehow for the blame too!
Agreed... Both sides... Idiots!
Maybe All of them need to feel a few "unemployment" checks for awhile...
And then see just how fast THEY CAN SURVIVE/WILL NEED A JOB!
who's the idiot that needs a pink slip??
"With Canadian regulatory approval received from the National Energy Board (NEB) in 2010, the Project is ready to commence construction activities as it awaits final approval from U.S. regulators. In March of 2011, the U.S. Department of State (DOS) committed to delivering a definitive decision on Keystone XL before the end of the year."
Agreed. Demos, in this case...BIGGER IDIOTS!
However, tying the XL Pipeline decision with the passing of the Payroll Tax Cut Extension was a Repub Leaders' trick (IMO)... That makes Them IDIOTS too...maybe just not quite as BIG. LOL
Just trying to keep it real.
DrWAVeSport Cd1 1/18/2012
the gop does plenty of stuff i don't like but in this case i see it as the republicans trying to get obama to do what he said he was going to do. the payroll tax cut issue has been demagogic fodder for quite a while now. it was democrat's idea to try and do tax policy two months at a time. never mind that it is used to fund current beneficiaries. it's clearly all about evil conservatives against the 99%. i think you're trying to deflect blame from the one person who is responsible for the decision, it's a clever tactic but honestly it's getting old.
sesport II,
Good questions. Senator Markey has a good point per purely export business and Keystone pipeline. However, I still believe this project will be built and be an energy asset to the U.S., especially when Middle East mayhem rears its ugly head or when any other U.S. foreign source of oil "areas" around the globe implode. It happens to U.S. all the time, and there go gasoline prices.
Canada is who we need to deal with! Maybe Senator Markey needed to be asking where that U.S. "Shale" gas/oil is going to be headed to, e.g. deals with CNOOC, and Total, etc., etc....BEFORE those deals were done! I don't remember CHK getting "asked" to commit to selling nat gas/oil products 100% to the U.S. before China/France/Australia deals??????? But maybe Senator Markey is on to something.... Force ALL Companies on U.S. soil to sign letters of agreement to strictly "Supply" the U.S. with ALL their "Product"...FIRST DIBS...To U.S., then FREE to sell their "Product" to Other Countries. Hey, wonder what that would do to U.S. economics!
Again, Idiots!
Read this essay. I think the Canadians just out Obamad U.S. Will build all but the Canadian/U.S. pipeline crossing sections first... Don't need "Presidental" approvals then....
DrWAVeSport Cd1 1/21/2012 Still wanting to do U.S. business with Canada before keeping OPEC addiction.
Shale drilling and lithium extraction are seemingly distinct activities, but there is a growing connection between the two as the world moves towards cleaner energy solutions. While shale drilling primarily targets…
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