Looks like Anadarko is cranking up Rabalais 35:

11/14/2011 05 2578 DROVE 20" TO 80'; SPUD 11/10/11; DRLD; (BOP INFO: DIVERTER, FLOWLINE, 12; ANNULAR, HYDRIL, CAMERON, 5K; RAMS, CAMERON, 13 5/8, 10K, 2 7/8 X 5" VBR);

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24 November 2011 Pryme to Participate in Anadarko Austin Chalk Well

Pryme Energy Limited has elected to participate in an Austin Chalk well to be drilled by Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (NYSE: APC) ("Anadarko") within the northern portion of Pryme's Turner Bayou Chalk project acreage. Pryme has an 8.8% working interest (6.6% net revenue interest) in the well and the expected cost to Pryme is slightly under US$1 million.
The Rabalais 35-1 well, within the North Bayou Jack Field, will be drilled to a vertical depth of approximately 14,850 feet (4,525 metres) with a 7,000 foot (2,130 metre) lateral through the Austin Chalk formation, for a total measured depth of approximately 22,000 feet (6,705 metres). Drilling of the well commenced on 10 November and it is currently at a depth of approximately 5,700 feet (1,740 metres). Completion is expected to be achieved by late January 2012.


The depth of the Rabalais 35 well being drilled on Yellow Bayou in Odenburg is nearing its target depth. 

On Nov. 28, the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources reported the well had reacehd 12,225 feet, about 2,600 feet from its planned verticle depth of 14,848.

Read more: AvoyellesToday.com - WELL WATCH Rabalais well now over 12 000 feet 



The depth of the Rabalais 35 well being drilled on Yellow Bayou in Odenburg is nearing its target depth. 

On Nov. 28, the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources reported the well had reacehd 12,225 feet, about 2,600 feet from its planned verticle depth of 14,848.

Read more: AvoyellesToday.com - WELL WATCH Rabalais well now over 12 000 feet 



Its interesting to see in these articles that Anadarko in only drilling a 5,000 ft. lateral in this well not the 7-8000 ft ones that they stated they were going to be drilling when they set up the large units. It looks like they have finally climbed on the "turnip cart" and have learned a lesson. So, in other words, they have finally seen-the-light and realize that drilling long laterals in Chalk is doing more damage than good.

Now this brings up the other problem that they have created. LARGE UNITS: There is no way that they can drain 1920 acre units with one well in Austin Chalk. It looks like its a convenient way to HBP large acreage blocks and spread the wealth around. I think this is counter-productive to the State maximizing production when the State needs the tax from production and in some cases direct income from production. It would be much better for the State DNR it establish uniform drilling and production units that more or less represent the true capabilities of the well draining the area. That information should be available from past drilling in the Austin Chalk.


One thought on the other side of HBP.

I would think there is a CEO somewhere that is more interested in a current or soon to come year's bonus than holding profits and a bonus for a later CEO too many years down the road. 

At least that is my hopeful thinking.


/Abington, (a beverlycajunbilly wannabee)


Rabalais 35 No.1 Drilling Update Turner Bayou Chalk Project
Rabalais 35  No.1 (8.8% Working Interest / 6.6% NRI)
The Rabalais 35 No.1 well in  North Bayou Jack Field has reached a total vertical depth of 14,438 feet (4,400  metres) in the upper portion of the Austin Chalk formation. The rig is currently  tripping the drill pipe out of the hole in preparation for running the 7 5/8th  inch intermediate string of casing. This will then be followed by the drilling  of the 7,000 foot (2,130 metre) horizontal section.
“As we continue  drilling the horizontal leg later this week we expect to intersect oil bearing  fracture networks similar to those encountered in both the Deshotels 20H and 13H  wells to the south of the Rabalais 35,” said Justin Pettett, Pryme’s Managing  Director. “The fracture zones which were intersected in the horizontal leg of  the Deshotels 20H and 13H were accompanied by significant oil and gas shows and  oil and gas were produced to the surface.”
The Rabalais 35-1 well will be  drilled to a vertical depth of approximately 14,850 feet (4,525 metres) with a  7,000 foot (2,130 metre) lateral through the Austin Chalk formation, for a total  measured depth of approximately 22,000 feet (6,705 metres). Drilling of the well  commenced on 10 November and completion is estimated to be achieved in January  2012. The operator is Anadarko E & P Company.
The Turner Bayou  project is a significant part of Pryme’s exploration portfolio and comprises  approximately 80 square miles (50,000 acres) which have been imaged by a  proprietary 3D seismic survey. Primary targets are the Wilcox formation at  12,500 feet, the Austin Chalk at 15,300 feet and the Eagle Ford and Tuscaloosa  Marine Shales at 16,000 feet. Pryme has approximately 9,600 net acres within the  Turner Bayou project covering all depths representing up to 30 potential  drilling locations in the Austin Chalk alone.
Read more:  AvoyellesToday.com - Rabalais well reaches total vertical depth alais Update

Rabalais well now over 15,000 feet
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Rabalais 35 No.1 Drilling Update Turner Bayou Chalk Project

The Rabalais 35 No.1 well in North Bayou Jack Field on Yellow Bayou south of Simmesport has reached a total length of 15,100 feet (4,600 metres) through the upper portion of the Austin Chalk formation. 

The vertical section of the well has been logged to evaluate the Austin Chalk section and the intermediate string of casing cemented in place. Cores are currently being taken and drilling of the 7,000 foot (2,130 metre) horizontal section is due to begin later this week.

Read more: AvoyellesToday.com - Rabalais well now over 15 000 feet 

Latest on Rabalias

Rabalais 35 No.1 (8.8% Working Interest / 6.6% NRI)
The Rabalais 35 No.1  well in the Turner Bayou Chalk project in Odenburg south of Simmesport continues  drilling horizontally within the Austin Chalk formation at a vertical depth of  approximately 14,850 feet (4,525 metres) and a measured depth of 19,793 feet  (6,030 metres).
Approximately 70% of the planned 7,000 feet (2,130  metres) lateral has been drilled. Drilling of the well commenced on 10 November  and completion is estimated to be achieved later this month. The targeted total  measured depth is approximately 22,000 feet (6,705 metres). The operator is  Anadarko E & P Company.
“Drilling operations remain on plan,” said  Ryan Messer, Pryme’s Chief Operating Officer. “Based on the current drilling  rate we expect to reach target depth early next week.”
The Turner Bayou  project is a significant part of Pryme’s exploration portfolio and comprises  approximately 80 square miles (50,000 acres) which have been imaged by a  proprietary 3D seismic survey. Primary targets are the Wilcox formation at  12,500 feet, the Austin Chalk at 15,300 feet and the Eagle Ford and Tuscaloosa  Marine Shales at 16,000 feet. Pryme has approximately 9,600 net acres within the  Turner Bayou project covering all depths representing up to 30 potential  drilling locations in the Austin Chalk alone.
This is the fourth  horizontal well drilled in Avoyelles Parish.        
Read more:  AvoyellesToday.com - Rabalais no 1 well nears completion

Pryme Energy nears flow testing of Turner Bayou well, completes drilling

Friday, January 06, 2012 by Angela Kean



Pryme Energy (ASX: PYM) is moving closer to flow testing the Rabalais 35 No.1 well in the Turner Bayou project in Louisiana with the well now having been drilled to a measured depth of 6,208 metres, including a lateral of about 1,884 metres.
Installation of a slotted production liner is expected to begin next week, after which the drill rig will be demobilised and flow testing will begin.
Flow testing is expected to be completed by the end of January.
Drilling of the Rabalais 35 No.1 well, which is being done by independent oil and gas explorer and producer Anadarko Petroleum, was terminated short of the targeted 2,130 metre lateral length due to hole conditions leading to increased torque on the drill string. Conditioning of the well bore and completion of the well are underway.

Pryme has an 8.8% working interest in the Rabalais 35 No.1 well, Anadarko’s third Austin Chalk well in the region, which lies within the North Bayou Jack Field.
Anadarko has a significant acreage position in the proximity of Pryme’s Turner Bayou Chalk project including several units in which Pryme has the right to participate.
The well will provide an additional data point for establishing the oil and gas prospectivity in the northern portion of Pryme’s acreage within the Turner Bayou 3D seismic survey area.
Highlighting the propsectivity of the region, the recently completed Deshotels 13H well, in which Pryme as a 40% working interest, 6.4 kilometres south of Rabalais 35 No.1, returned an initial test rate of 1,167 barrels of oil per day and 600,000 cubic feet of natural gas per day.

Rabalais 35 No.1 Drilling Completed  south of Simmesport
1 hr 47 mins ago | 51 views | 0 0 comments | 0 0 recommendations | email to a friend | print
The completion of the Rabalais well in  Odenburg south of Simmesport is basically complete.
The Rabalais 35 No.1  well in the Turner Bayou Chalk project has been drilled to a measured depth of  20,370 feet (6,208 metres) including a lateral of approximately 6,183 feet  (1,884 metres).
Drilling was terminated short of the targeted 7,000 foot  (2,130 metres) lateral length due to hole conditions leading to increased torque  on the drill string. Conditioning of the well bore and completion of the well  are underway.
Installation of a slotted production liner is expected to begin next week. Following this the drill rig will be demobilised and flow testing will commence. It is expected that the flow test will be completed by the end of January.
Justin Pettett, Pryme’s Managing Director, said “the  Rabalais 35-1 well will provide an additional data point for establishing the  oil and gas prospectivity in the northern portion of Pryme’s acreage within the  Turner Bayou 3D seismic survey area.”
About Turner Bayou
Pryme has  a 40% working interest in 24,000 acres (9,600 net acres) in the Turner Bayou  Project and is initially targeting development of the Austin Chalk horizon. A  total of 30 Austin Chalk well locations are possible within the project area  based on a 640 acre well spacing.
The Rabalais 35 No.1, which is being  drilled by Anadarko Petroleum, is the third well in which Pryme has participated  in the Turner Bayou project. The recently completed Deshotels 13H well (Pryme  40% WI), which is 4 miles south of the Rabalais 35 No.1, returned an initial  test rate of 1,167bpd of oil and 600mcf/d of natural gas despite a sub optimal  completion method and is now shut in pending the installation of a downhole pump  prior to the commencement of commercial production.
The Rabalais 35 No.1  will be completed using a technique which has been successfully demonstrated in  a number of recently drilled wells in the Austin Chalk. It is targeting the same  Austin Chalk objective as the Deshotels 13H and, if successful, will provide  further evidence of the commerciality of the Austin Chalk formation in this  region. Recently successful wells in and around Turner Bayou are detailed in  Table 1 and Figure 1 below. Pryme plans to spud its fourth well in the Austin  Chalk prior to April 30, 2012.
In addition to the Austin Chalk potential  of the Turner Bayou project area, Pryme is aware that several companies have  achieved encouraging results from tests of the Eagle Ford and Tuscaloosa Marine  Shales in proximity to Turner Bayou. The Company will continue to monitor this  activity and update the market as appropriate.        

Read more:  AvoyellesToday.com - Rabalais 35 No 1 Drilling Completed south of S...

The Rabalais 35 No.1 well of Odenburg in  the Turner Bayou Chalk project is  nearing final completion and being prepared for production.
Tubing has  been run in the vertical section of the well and a three and a half inch slotted  production liner has been installed in the horizontal leg. This completion  technique is different to that which was adopted for the Deshotels 20H and 13H  wells and has been successfully demonstrated in a number of recent Austin Chalk  wells which have been drilled by Anadarko. Anadarko’s Lacour 43-1 well, which  initially tested at over 3,000 barrels of oil per day and is the highest initial  rate achieved to date in the region, was completed by this method.
The  drill rig has been released and demobilisation has commenced. Flow testing is  scheduled to begin after the drill rig is off site and testing equipment has  been set up; it is expected to take 7-10 days.
Our regular weekly updates  will resume when flow testing begins. Shareholders will be kept informed as  these activities progress.
About Turner Bayou
Pryme has a 40%  working interest in 24,000 acres (9,600 net acres) in the Turner Bayou Project  and is initially targeting development of the Austin Chalk horizon. A total of  30 Austin Chalk well locations are possible within the project area based on a  640 acre well spacing.
The Rabalais 35 No.1, which is being drilled by  Anadarko Petroleum, is the third well in which Pryme has participated in the  Turner Bayou project. The recently completed Deshotels 13H well (Pryme 40% WI),  which is 4 miles south of the Rabalais 35 No.1, returned an initial test rate of  1,167bpd of oil and 600mcf/d of natural gas despite a sub optimal completion  method and is now shut in pending the installation of a downhole pump prior to  the commencement of commercial production.
The Rabalais 35 No.1 is  targeting the same Austin Chalk objective as the Deshotels 13H and, if  successful, will provide further evidence of the commerciality of the Austin  Chalk formation in this region. Recent successful wells in and around Turner  Bayou are detailed in Table 1 and Figure 1 below. Pryme plans to spud its fourth  well in the Austin Chalk prior to April 30, 2012.
In addition to the  Austin Chalk potential of the Turner Bayou project area, Pryme is aware that  several companies have achieved encouraging results from tests of the Eagle Ford  and Tuscaloosa Marine Shales in proximity to Turner Bayou, these formations are  included in Pryme’s Turner Bayou leases. The Company will continue to monitor  this activity and update the market as appropriate.        
Read more:  AvoyellesToday.com - Rabalais 35 No 1 Production Liner and Tubing S...


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