Obama to Highlight Domestic Energy Sources in State of the Union

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will encourage the country's booming natural gas output in his State of the Union address on Tuesday, while defending his administration's energy record, according to sources familiar with the matter.
Obama was expected to devote a significant portion of his speech slated for 9 p.m. EST Tuesday calling for a "new era for American energy," which will include promoting domestic natural gas production, according to documents provided to Democratic party sources.

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I'm going to try and keep this  apolitical.  Apologizes in advance.  I've slept on it and I still like Obama's speech.  I also agree with the poster who said they would wait to see what Boone said.


Face it guys, we've been ignored for too long by both sides!!!!  We need to make inroads into both parties.  Everyone uses electricity!!!!  Everyone has to cook their food!  We should make both parties EARN our support.


Like it/him or not Obama gave what I think the general pubic will want - really going for natgas but with regulation.  He made a lot of promises that will make environmentalists very unhappy. We need to hold him to his words.


But, I believe he now understands the importance of natgas and wants to pursue it with "reasonable" safeguards (ok, i know the devil is in the details, but we cannot get out of regulation at this point).  This is what the voting public also wants.)  But, this speech gives us a real platform to push him on - and again Boone will influence my thinking.


Obama is not from any kind of oil or gas state the way most of us are.  We grew up around this industry. He did not and their is a steep learning curve with a lot of people trying to pull you to their side which might not be best for America.  I want to give Obama the benefit of the doubt - and I will also closely follow what Boone Pickens says.


But, just to keep this apolitical or at least non-partisan ... WE HAVE BEEN IGNORED BY BOTH SIDES FOR TOO LONG!!


sorry Keith, this gets a bit emotional for me.  i believe shale gas is the ONLY near term way to save the world's economy for your kids and my grandkids. It is the biggest energy issue of our time. It also helps that natgas can be much cleaner than many other fuels. There is an enormous amount of creativity going into shale exploration.


It's also our first real chance for energy freedom in 40 years.  People of the future should not forgive us if we fail to give them this stable, cheap, safe, and  clean source of energy.)


Thank you, Keith, for allowing this discussion.  I am grateful for the thoughts expressed herein.

I wonder if the "tipping point" on natural gas has happened in the last two weeks?  If so, it will take a major effort to stop the natural momentum of development.

Better vote him out or kids and grandkids may be socialists!  That is the only reason Obama is in the White House, to destroy this country as we once knew it!  If people would have done there homework before he was elected we wouldn't be going through all this mess!  He really had a great resume didn't he? lol

In my opinion, the only reason why he mentioned the shale gas revolution was to take credit for it and to use it as an example of how govt. funded R&D doesn't always show results right away (can you say Solyndra?).  As we all know, the feds have done NOTHING to support or develop shale technologies--if anyone deserves credit for this revolution, it's George Mitchell and the  other great independents of this country.  On the contrary, the administration and the EPA have done everything they can to hinder its application, as evidenced by their meddling in Parker County, TX,  Dimmock Co., PA & Pavillion, WY.  His retoric about "safely" developing these resources sounds like more attempts at regulating these technologies into noncommerciality to me.


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