Hi All,

If you have a few moments, please share any info and projections if any for the Grizzlies DU #1H, Exxon/XTO (Haynesville Shale) Nac Co., YBARBO; (as opposed to the Grizzly in San Augustine County).

The Grizzlies DU pad site has to 2 big vertical tanks, 2 horizontal propane type tanks with an exhaust, and another station with a digital readout of 8.5 (as I recall) that appears connected to the new pipeline running east/west parallel to the pad.

I read earlier today on GHS that a well can produce but may not be completed. What does that mean?

I appreciate any and all comments!

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I'll take that news and I'll be quite happy with it.

It's interesting the permits are good for two years, that's news to me and the kind of info I look for on GHS. Hope they don't run the time out, but whatever.

Thanks again.
Hello! Thanks for the Grizzlies info. Any info on the Texans Du #1 h ?

Becky, all of the XTO wells drilled to date in Nacogdoches have been completed and reported.

Texans DU #1H had an IP of 7.928 MMcfd on a 17/64 choke with a 9068# flowing pressure.  

Thank you! I understand it was completed in Aug., 2011 and then the Grizzlies in Oct., 2011. Will seperate division orders be sent for each well? I'm new to all of this... the snows a fallin' here! Where do I need to look for well info.?

Use this query (top box) to check on production. Select District 6.  You will need to type in the well status #, for now, and check "pending" for well type.  Set the date far enough back to pick up the first production month.  Leave the last date alone.


Texans status # is 707013.  Once it has a lease ID #, use that number instead and change the well type to "Gas".

You can find out the Lease ID# by checking this query:


Just type in the API # (347-33206) and hit enter.

estimated first check according to XTO is June

Check in June for Texans?

FIL has (small) interest in Texans, so a check in June would make this 92 year old (sweet, wonderful) gentleman happy.

Maybe the Grizzlies check will follow soon thereafter.
My grandfather is turning 90 soon. He's as anxious as you are... to see what the numbers will be... we all are! How exciting!
Hey Becky, let's hope 90's are the new '70's!

Any new info on Grizz?

Nothing new.  XTO has one rig in Nac. and it is on the Longhorns unit now.

Do you know how many wells are being drilled in the longhorns unit by XTO? When will a new well on the longhorns have a well name to look up info. on? I'm still waiting on the Texans well and the Grizzlies well, too? Any idea when we might see division orders?


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