People around me have been getting division order letters but me and others have not. THe division orders are from petrahawk. So it would seem they all sighned with Petrahawk. The rest of us sighned with CHK and they are the ones who drilled our well. Will the people who sighned with CHK get a division order also?????

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Still waiting for the section 32 division oder CHK said they are sending.

Got another final DO today. Total of the 3 DOs now agrees with my lease. EVEN the small amount was split into 2 DOs. Sooooo Now I have stock in 30,31,32 wells. VERY VERY small amount in 32. This so called Community lease is something. Who does it favor?? Lets see. I had property in section 30 only. After the Community thing I also have it in 31 and 32. Lets see, say CHK decides they are not going to add any wells to the 30 and 31 well and decide to add them in 32 only. What does that do to the property owners who have had their stake put in 3 wells rather than the section 30 well. Most of the acreage is in 30 and 31 .000 something in 32. Would they not lose everything they had in 30 and 31? Someone give their opinion on this. TEll me what the advantage in having stock in 3 wells is. AND this is legal? OR am I way off here???


Can you post a redacted copy of your CHK "Community" Lease?  I'm quite curious to read one of CHK's so called "Community" Leases.

Thanks in advance.

DrWAVeSport Cd1 3/14/2012

I see nothing talking about a community lease in the lease. I have no idea how to post a copy sorry. CHK came up with this community thing somehow. Do you agree that if CHK decided not to drill anymore in 30 and 31 and drill in 32 what the outcome would be. Most if not all the CHK leasers in 30 were done this way. And has ANYONE ever seen this Community lease card pulled before?? Maybe Im all wrong here. Maybe CHK is trying to help everyone by sliting them up this way. LOL


Sorry you cannot scan a copy and upload the file to this GHS discussion. It would be a great help to see what CHK is calling a "Community" lease. 

CHK pulls out all the stops when it comes to keeping every penny of your mineral moneys that they can get away with keeping...IMO.  So nothing surprises me per your situation with your 3 section "Community" Lease.  Without seeing the "lease" you have, and without knowing how CHK plans to "drill" or not "drill" these 3 sections...  Then jumping to a conclusion about whether or not this "situation" is a good or bad thing per you and your a bit premature.   IMO

But, believe me, CHK knows.

It could be a land grab/HBP situation where CHK is claiming as much acreage as possible/as cheaply as possible... under this "Community" lease label. 

Don't dispair.  Answers will turn up.  Often it takes some time before a truer picture can be seen. 

RJ, Please keep us GHShalers updated when you can.  The more information you share with GHShalers, the more answers you will find. IMHO

And, if you can find someone to "scan and upload" a redacted copy of your so called "Community" lease, please do so.  It is almost impossible to comment on an individual "lease" without having read that particular lease.  Leases come in all shades of gray, fortunately or unfortunately...

Thanks for all your information.  Your input is much appreciated. 

DrWAVeSport Cd1 3/15/2012

P.S.  After being a member of GHS for so long... We still see Every day a new question or a new problem that a Lessor needs help with finding information about or ways to correct their problems. HANG in there and the answers will come.

Have a Great Thursday.       



Thanks for all the kind words. I do agree with everything you said. CHK does know. Will add any info that comes along to this post. I am concerned that it seems no one else has heard of this so called community lease though. Katie on here is with CHK. Katie have you seen this so called Community lease before??

Hi RJ - I know you're working with some of our representatives in OKC, but please let me know if there's anything I can do to assist. I am not an expert on leases but know that our people will work to get you whatever you need.

Let me Run this by everyone again. People with leased land in Section 30-17-15 have had their lease land put in 3 different wells. 30,31, and 31-17-15. Most of the interest was divided between 30 and 31 wells. The remaining  VERY small amount put in 32. OK, couple years from now after the wells are producing much less CHK decides to drill again and add wells to the pads already drilled due to higher gas prices. Lets say they have decided to add wells to 32 but not 30 and 31 and just let them trickle on down to nothing. CHK has placed a very small amount of sections 30s owners in 32. They get your gas but only pay a VERY small Royalty because the owners majority interest in in the almost dead wells 30 and 31. In my opinion CHK knows  in advance which well pads they will add wells to.  Put the owners in other wells under the so called Community lease and bam millions saved. AM I ALL wrong here or could this be possible? Not saying its not leagal just very Disturbing. Hey I may be wrong and CHK could drill in all 3 wells and everyone will be happy. I dont know the rules on drilling the 3 wells but hoping someone could clear it up or tell me im just dead wrong. 


The Well in Sec. 32 has been producing since June 2010, and Sec. 30 & 31 are newbee wells.  Each "Section" has one Unit Well.  Why CHK has divided your mineral interests is not transparent to me.  However, I suggest you call and "write" letter to Mr. Welsh, Commissioner, and get some answers.  I don't see how CHK can divide mineral estate held in a "single" HS Unit Well/"single" 640 Acre Section (for which CHK's LOC Applications are for 3 Separate 640-Acre HS Sections)...between...THREE HS Units/Section Wells....Where TWO HS Units/Sections don't have anything to do with a mineral estate/mineral interest/mineral property located in only ONE HS Section/Unit Well...

If CHK started doing every royalty owner/lessor like this... What chaos. 

CHK Sec. 32/Serial #240406 produced 47 mmcf/mo. in Dec. 2011. 

CHK Sec. 31/Serial #243175 produced 135 mmcf/mo Dec. 2011.

CHK Sec. 30/Serial #242971 produced 10 mcfd @ report date of Jan. 1, 2012

Your "scenario" does hurt if CHK decides to "work" alternate wells in the "Section" that holds the "least" mineral acreage percentage for "your" mineral $$$.

IMO, Get a hold of the LA Office of Conservation Commissioner Mr. Welsh.  Put your "scenario" situation and "Community" lease, e.g., lease where royalty owner has NO royalty property in "multiple" HS Unit Sections...on the "table" with his Office.  If CHK won't come clean, LOC has a duty to look at this situation and attempt to clarify... Or, STOP CHK in its tracks, if that is what needs to happen...

Just my opine, and it can't hurt to state your case for a "transparent" explanation. 

Keep knocking on those doors.  One will open.

DrWAVeSport Cd1 3/19/2012  


Reading your post makes me think of the old saying "you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time" . . .

I received my 3rd DO and it is for .025140 acres in Section 27-17N-15W

My other 2 DO are for Sections 30 & 31

My property is in Section 31 across the street from the well 

I guess I will have to call and get this straight also

Wow 27. Well good luck on getting anything straight about the Community lease. NO ONE seems to really know anything about the Community lease but CHK it seems.



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