use this discussion of new wells in Nacogdoches County since beginning new year 2011 since 2010 in getting to long to follow. Will keep all year to year separate for information

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Does anyone have information about activity in Remijio Totin Survey area?  I live a long way away and have little way to find information. Thanks,  Ellis S.
Ellis, there is nothing permitted in the west end of R. Totin right now but that is a good location so I expect that someone will drill it before much longer. You are pretty much surrounded by good wells now... in the Gomez Survey to the West and Southwest, the Walker Survey to the South, the Chireno Survey to the North and in the Totin Survey to your East.
Thanks for the information.

Somehow I missed the potential test info on the Vikings DU, well #1, in the Ybarbo Sur, A-60.  Have you seen the numbers?

I guess I missed this post, Joe P. (sorry about that).  Vikings DU #1H had an IP of 8.914 MMcfd on a 16/64 choke and 9000# flowing pressure.

It's been a while since this inquiry. Wondered if anyone had any new information? My lease expires in the fall. (subject to 2 yr. option) Thanks, Ellis

Hello. Not sure where to ask about the sun king gu#1 h well. Does anyone have any numbers or a location on this well?


I'm not sure which numbers you want so I'll throw out what I have on that well.  The API # is 347-33245 and the permit (status) # is 716209.  It doesn't have a lease ID # yet.  The first production was reported in October: 

Oct. - 125,088 mcf           

Nov.- 191,350 mcf        

Dec.- 156,009 mcf

The IP was 7.194 MMcfd on a 12/64 choke with a 9418# flowing pressure.  It is located about 1.5 miles SE of Chireno on Gray Lane (Lower Cemetery Rd).

Thank you for the info! One more well I'm curious about... was the longhorns drilled by xto just before _hristmas. This may be SE of Cherino, too.
Christmas! Oops!
What unit is the sun king gu # 1h in? Is it close to the longhorns unit? Does the longhorn unit run along the amaladeros creek? Is there an aggies unit nearby? Thanks sooo much for any info.!
The Longhorn(s)! Is somewhat near, but not on the Amaladeros Creek. The distance can be easily walked.



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