I thought the attached G-1 and G-5 would be interesting to some folks.  G-1 has the completion information - looks like acid fracs and therfore the target is the limestone formations.  


24 hour production is 479 bbl of 42.8 API gravity condensate or oil.  1179 bbls of water with that.  Note this is a vertical completion across multiple, thick zones.  


Maybe I need to get Joe Aldrige to look at this, but it looks more like what he describes as TMS rather than Eagle Ford Shale.  Any other thoughts?

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Thanks - Burk reported a well today Samuel Gas Unit #1 - 2500+mcf and 25 bbl of condensate, with good pressure.  

Basin rig 103 rigged up this weekend. Not sure the location name but it's in between Austonio and the Trinity river on hwy 21

 Thanks Lucky,

  I have been trying to make a post here for a couple days maybe jffree got it fixed for me

   Rig you see is at Mapleton and is on Parten and the operator should be Trivium --- that rig just moved off of "SWIFT" in Leon Co. ------ reportedly this rig will be drilling a H Glenrose on Parten

   XTO still drilling on Abbey Road and Navidad drilling on Eastham both show to be Scandrill rigs

  So we now have 3 rigs working in Houston County

Texas 54,

 Chop Chop wake -up and check the W-1 for HC  --- Chop Chop

Im here DH where oh where have you been?   I can't get in the TRRC. I think Trivicum is still just a little to far south for us right now now if they would be so kind as to go horizontal to the northeast would be wondeful. :)))).  You have some more  of your great intel you want to share I'm listening. :)))

I still can't get into TRRC permit page. I get the Accessibility policy page. I was able to look at the GIS Map and I see something very interesting looks like Tivium has gone a little closer to our lease but just not quite there yet. :( but yes oh yes very interesting. Thanks for the heads up :))).

I think RRC must be having an issue with all of the traffic on their website.  They are dedicating 3 hours a day, Mon.-Sat., to operators so we have to use the site before 8 AM or after 11 AM on those days.  Oh, and they do maintenance on the site on Sundays so we are usually locked out most Sunday afternoons. 

You can usually access the GIS map all the time but the links to permits, etc... won't work when the site is restricted to industry use. There are nearly 900 rigs working in Texas right now and public interest in accessing information is higher than ever.

Ok I memorized it for you 54 -------- "Jackson" is getting a #2 Horizontal and the leg will be in the Woodbine -------- believe this new well will be on the same pad with the #1 vertical  --------- Glad Trivium/Terrace is taking the lead and aggressively pursuing the Horizontal woodbine leg

Thanks DH and jffree,

I had been having issues opening up the W-1 and the p-12 on the TRRC site. Then I took off Corel paint shop pro and now I can't look/see anything but the Accessibility policy. Had my sister check and she got the same info. Will try again later. Thanks again. I'm glad also that Trivium/Terrace is doing something in the area. Look forward to more reports. Seems like (the last time I could get in and check) they ususally post new permits around the 10th of the month and thats Monday so will see if anything new pops up.

Texas54 try adding a "s" to the url after the http to make it a secure connection. That is the only way I been getting in.


Thank you Ed, I will try your link and see if I can get in.


p.s. Tried your link and it worked fine. Made it a favorite.

Thanks again


Word is that a SWD facility in Leon County caught on fire and blew-up today ----- that makes 2 in the last 6 months as Navidad facility in Weldon got hit by lightning last Spring and burned to the ground

BTW- this thread is a year old now and has had 30k views


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