I thought the attached G-1 and G-5 would be interesting to some folks.  G-1 has the completion information - looks like acid fracs and therfore the target is the limestone formations.  


24 hour production is 479 bbl of 42.8 API gravity condensate or oil.  1179 bbls of water with that.  Note this is a vertical completion across multiple, thick zones.  


Maybe I need to get Joe Aldrige to look at this, but it looks more like what he describes as TMS rather than Eagle Ford Shale.  Any other thoughts?

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Hope nobody got injured, and a lot of those 30k of those view are mine. :)))))). I am reading all I can. Trying to keep up to date on what is happening in HC.


Thanks DH for the updates

No lightening for this one so what do you hear might have caused it to blow up? 

This is one of the (if not the...) longest running threads on the site.  Do you think we should shut it down and move on to a new topic or just let it run? 

welders torch  ----- we might as well go for a world record jffree

I think we let it run, but encourage folks with important issues/news to start a new thread.  Its a good general catch all right now, but obviously for someone starting from scratch would be hard to follow.  At least we haven't had the end yet that the Mississippi "thread to not be named" had.  

Welders Torch?  hope they are safe and well insured.

Maybe start a thread where we can just shoot the bull about everything. No certain topic, but that's just me feel free to tell me to shut up.

Mississippi "thread to not be named"

LOL, you gotta be taking about that world famous Haynesville test to 20K feet (that never had an IP)... that was touted (for over a year) by that world famous company who shall also not be named (mostly because I forgot who they were). 

Lucky, I don't tell anyone to shut up, LOL!  Free speech HERE! I think it's fine as a catch all but I do agree that, should anything specific need discussion, a new thread should be started so interested parties will know where to look and what to expect.  I sort of like that we talk about droughts and fires and whatever else is happening at the moment.  Sometimes the O&G news is just... sparse.

Haven't posted for a long time, but I always check in on this thread first. I certainly don't read all the GHS threads, but I still think this one is both the most informative and the most fun. Sad to say, with most of the Haynesville action shut down, seems like the eastern threads are all about everyone's problems with CHK these days. Hope we can keep this one going (and the action moving east)!

Agreed - if someone has something easily verified, concrete, etc, lets give it its own thread.  That will make it easier to "discover" for folks searching for the site.  In particular, the "tags" you can add at the bottom of message greatly add to the discovery.  For easiest sharing, if you are starting a discussion, feel free to mention it here so those who participate get a special heads up about it.

If its more community based, more speculative, etc, lets keep it in this discussion.

Regarding the Missippi thread to not be named - it got pretty bad, both in terms of pumping a penny stock, personal attacks, and some swipes at mineral owners and other bystanders/victims of the well from hell.  It was an interesting piece of work, but the negative stuff in the discussion eventually led to it being shut down.  The Leor well near Apple Springs is probably a good analog, but it was done by someone who knew what they were doing, didn't make promises they couldn't keep, etc.  But the depth, challenges, and risks are pretty similar.  

Anybody have word on the fire burning near Weldon?

TFS "DISPATCH TRACKER" shows it near the intersection near Kittrell in Walker Co. but on the Weldon side of the river  it was 350 ac @ 10:30 am    --------- this should be about 4 mile east of Eastham on FM 230 ----- Saw at least 1 big D-8 with cutter blade going that way  -------- believe the fire name was "BO BROWN ROAD FIRE" ?   will have to double check that name  ---------- wind is slow this PM

Lot of woods out there. Hope they get it under control soon!!


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