I thought the attached G-1 and G-5 would be interesting to some folks.  G-1 has the completion information - looks like acid fracs and therfore the target is the limestone formations.  


24 hour production is 479 bbl of 42.8 API gravity condensate or oil.  1179 bbls of water with that.  Note this is a vertical completion across multiple, thick zones.  


Maybe I need to get Joe Aldrige to look at this, but it looks more like what he describes as TMS rather than Eagle Ford Shale.  Any other thoughts?

Views: 83807


Replies to This Discussion

I personally want them to get back around jackson and drill, :))))))))) not jump around around the county. Let XTO do their own.:))))). I know you said the results at Jackson were "not a barn burner" but what about any of their other locations any news.



  Passed by Jackson looks like 3 X 300 barrel tanks and a generator (probably to pump water in the pit or frac pond and small flare burning.  Also passed by Henson #1H over at Madisonville and saw a 20' flare while the rig was still drilling

  Large rig drilling @ Navasota River & hwy 21 on the Brazos Co. side Between Oil field traffic and LSU x A&M game people going home poor Madisonville looked like a Houston traffic jam.

   Many pneumatic cement trucks lined up down at the Trivium "Parten" location @ Mapleton , since they have finished drilling this location and moved the rig the only logical explanation is that they are extending the road to another location ?

   Also some kind of large pipe yard oilfield supply yard etc. going in between A&M (Austonio and Mapleton)


Navidad posted a completion report yesterday on its Gouldie well. It appears to me that it was completed in the James lime only. I don't remember seeing any other James lime only completions recently. Anyone have a better memory than me?

Randy - you are correct - I don't recall any James lime only completion recently.  However, they have filed to recomplete this as a comingled well.

Thanks.It wasn't a bad I.P.. I noticed the well was completed 9-11.took along time to report. They have 3or 4 other zones to complete in that well.I'm curious about the James Lime as particular attention was paid to it in our lease with specific reference to this well.Our property is near Weldon a good distance from this well.

Speaking of flaring.......does it mean anything if a new well is not flared and never has been?

Has it been fraced ?   is it on-line and producing ?  tested? Oil Well only maybe? --------- most of the time when a new well is drilling the heavy drilling mud holds back the gas

No to fracing....other 2 don't know    do they have to occur first?.....

 most of the time after drilling, the well will be waiting on completion for a month or 2 then the testing and flaring occurs before the well goes on-line

Dry Hole, once again, thank you!

Dry Hole, now I'm confused. Originally there were 2 beige tanks and 2 green tanks. They have come back and now painted the 2 green tanks like the other 2....beige. And your opinion would be? As always thanks for you time and opinions.


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