I was going to inquire as to whether anyone knew of lease offers being received as far south as the Many/ Florien area?

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I'm happy with my 12500 from chk. I'm positive the swepi wells in the area are what got chk interested in that part of sabine. Once these well results are released, it's a good bet they will be as good if not better than the wells near shreveport
I live out of city limits in florien,passed plainview on peason rd. Is there anything going on out this way? i keep reading about belmont,is that on the kisatchie highway going towards provencal?Where can i go online to find the nearest well? i read about hodges getting something, hodges fence line is about 2 miles from my house,the backside of hodges fence.
belmont is between many and pleasant hill. belwood is on kisatchie highway.
Thanks olddog,i knew it was bel something,lol.i dont get out that way much.
i have a friend who owns property on hwy 6 west and was offered $9500/acre i dont know who it was with and not sure of the terms.
Any word on Section 15 near Zwolle?


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