I live off Benton Road, North of I220 and just across the tracks toward the River levy. Residents along Rebouche Road have been known to sign leases for $5,000 per acre/.25%/3yr/2yr opt. This was last week. I was offered the same and I needed to "think about it." I am aware of signings off Airline Drive north of 220 for $11,000 per acre with a well site just south of "The Reserve" across from entrance to Lakewood. Are there any other offers in this area?

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Hi DiLa, is this the same group Doughboy was talking about? I am all for joining forces and I would also like to do it before Christmas. This person you were talking about on Douglas are these the same people circulating the letter to sign for Twin Cities? I wouldn't think it would be but the letter also came from people on Douglas. Keep me informed because I have the group around me that I told I would find a group to join. I believe I saw on here his group meets at the church on Brownlee on Thursdays. I didn't know about the Lakewood meeting (or not that we would be qualified to go) also my email address is joe555@suddenlink.net if you want to forward any information to me. Thanks
DiLa in need to get on that Douglas list.....
Do you have his name...? Dee
Dynamic Resources operator to drill Sentell in August

2008-07-03 13:51 ET - News Release

Mr. Robert Fedun reports


Dynamic Resources Corp. has been informed by the operator of its Sentell field project that a 10-well drilling program will commence in August that will start by drilling two Cotton Valley wells.

The first vertical Haynesville shale test well will then be drilled. A technical evaluation is planned once the drilling of the Haynesville well is completed.

The partners in this play plan to convert the proved undeveloped Cotton Valley acreage into cash flow by continuing with the 2008/2009 drilling program.

The vertical Haynesville shale test well will be drilled to a depth of approximately 12,500 feet. Numerous companies, such as Chesapeake Energy Corp.,

EnCana Corporation and Petrohawk Energy Ltd., continue to report successful drilling of Haynesville shale wells in the area with flow rates ranging from five million cubic feet per day to 15 million cubic feet per day with flowing casing pressures of up to 5,000 pounds per square inch.

We seek Safe Harbor.
Cozby T22-
Plain Dealing, right? If this is the case then why have I not been approached by any landmen? Have any others from T22 been offered a lease? And, if so, do you know what the % is of leased owners is in this section? The production level you spoke of from Chk., Petrohawk and EnCana is for horizontal wells. It will not even come close to that for a vertical well. Have you considered that they might be just trying to possibly leasing from us at a much lower rate than if it were a horizontal , drilling to the TD needed, getting a low producer, and then selling out to one of the larger Independents, and leaving us out there dangling on a stick? I feel we must be very cautious here. Please, if we are going to make a comparison then, by all means, let us compare apples to apples, and oranges to oranges. What is the BEST figures you have heard of on the production of a vertical well?

I should have done my research prior to replying to your post, which I will now do, but I do appreciate your input!

Thanks Cozby!
God Bless!
Nancy.....there is some activity starting up here in PD....just be patient...there was a major company talking to a group of landowners last week and they say they believe the shale is here also and are very interested. After they came other companies were calling a contact trying to get some of the action! There has been a well drilled in T 22 (vertical) we think that is a good producer. They say it is Cotton Valley?? they went to 11,600 ft.and they just drilled another just northeast of that one and have ran the gas line to it and haven't even fracked the well yet? Looks like lots of oil along with gas there!!
Excited Bossier- I did research Dynamic Resources-began to think that they were going to be a VERY illusive co., but finally found them - they are from Canada - and only own 20% of production! Had not ever heard of them before. They have to be connected with one of the 3 larger Independents, in my estimation. Of which, I think is for investment purposes only.

Excited, are you from PD itself? If so, I am so glad to finally find someone who is ACTUALLY from Plain Dealing.

I was up there Friday and went to see the ol' home place, which is now owned by Robbie Robinson, but I still own right at 4 acres behind his property on East Palmetto. The house was built in 1898! I did not even know that myself until Robbie told me.

Most glad to hear something is going on up there, but would feel better if they were drilling horizontal wells, where we are looking at billions of cubic ft. instead of millions!

We have promised God the over flow and He needs it now!

Many blessing!

PS: And, thanks for PUTTING me in the loop!!!!!!!
According to the other thread I am watching Plain Dealing is now going to be known as IIIsw. Have you seen this? Suppose to help us keep up with the different towns and surrounding areas. But, T22 will always STICK out to me as well! Have the people up there had any meetings yet? If there is one planned, can you let me know? If possible, I would love to attend.
Don't be too excited yet...this is just getting started but I promise you what I said about the major player is for real...I was there....My jaw dropped when I found out who they were. I live out from PD in the country and there are several wells in the Taylor and 2 in the what they say is Cotton Valley but they went 11600 ft. deep and they could have reached the shale there.....one well is producing gas and oil and the other hasn't been fracked yet but there is oil and gas there since there is oil in the pit and the gas line has been ran to hook up to the well already. These wells were drilled by a small independent companies. Hopefully we will know something from the major player in a couple of weeks! No groups formed here yet other than a group I started in my area which is too far for you...Good to hear from you....keep us in your prayers...
I am very interested in news around the PD area as I own property in the old community of Wardview. My property is located in T23N, R14W, Section 27, approx 200 acres.
My e mail address is steverzrbk@aol.com if you wish to contact me. Any information would be appreciated.
Nancy do you know where this Sentell field is? I am not familiar with it...
Excited Bossier...No, I do not know where the Sentell field is. I just, this AM heard about the activity from you. Do you know who the Operating Co. is that is drilling the wells?

And, I am Not too excited....I'll spend it when I get it! But, like I said, whatever it comes to, we have already earmarked it for the Lord's service.

May He bless us all!
Sentell Field is Sections 5,6,7,8,17 & 18, of T19N R13W. That crosses Benton Rd a couple of miles north of Cash Point. Meagher Oil & Gas came in about 2 1/2 yrs ago and leased up 5-6000 acres from the river to Airline and Cash Point to Benton. There have been five wells drilled that I understand are producting from the Cotton Valley zone.


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