Obama recieved over 100,000 dollars in campaign donations from the people he pretends to chastise now, don't let him play 2 card Monte. Please find your brain and see through this Chicago Machine rookie.

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details details. Why let blind rage, hate, and the mantra of rhetoric get in the way of rational thought, now? 8 years of blindly towing the party line left many without the ability to reason.
How about we legalize drugs, so I can stoned for the next four years.
buy 'em legal; pay your taxes; and you can get stoned for the next millenium for all the world cares. Fact is, it should be your choice.
Dorcheated, yeah now that's agreeable!!! Get stoned!!! So no worries will take place!!!
Your spinning but you ain't winning. Yes Or No Is the Obama administration to blame for the handling of these bonuses.
Let's just see how objective you are.
yeah, but it only took 60 days under this administation to do the same. And how right you are, don't let any details get in the way, they might make you slow down and get it right.
I thought the Obama administration two days ago said it was fundalmentally sound. Which is it? make up your minds and quit spinning it. Good or Bad?
That's right I'm sorry, they had to pass the stimulus bill fast, so it was a crisis, a catastrophe the world was coming to a end.

But Mr. President all this negative talk is bringing the stock market down. Ah, ah, well it's all good now.
Man their so bad they look good doing it.
You won't have to buy drugs shortly, just past free health care for everybody, and every Tom, Steve and Larry will be down at the Doctors office complaining of a bad back. More Hydrocdone please!! Sure little Stevie what else do can I do for you. They won't be making fun of Rush anymore, they'll be lining up behind him.
You're back! I'm one of those liberals but I ain't clear on this universal health care. Don't have a ready solution to improve it tho. Never behind Rush tho on any subject!!! I think & hope Tom, Steve, & Larry would be passing out NA pamphlets at the door!
there all crooks bush,obama..etc. the bail outs are bull!! they bail out the mortgage co. but there still kicking people to the curb every day but at the same time having parties and paying bounus same with the auto makers closing plants and having lay offs daily all this money there giving them and there just pissing it off a always. they should gave the american people all the bail out in a stimulus plan then we the people would stimulate the economy. if middle to lower income familys recieved a $100,000.00 or more what would happen? lets see people would pay off morgages that would take care of most of the so called bad loans some would buy new cars that would help the auto indust. some would pay off medical bills that would help health care. some would do home repairs buy new clothes new furnishings send kids to collage take much needed vacations and it would prob take care of most all bankruptcys then restructure and make a better system so this would not ever happen again this thing is never going to get better as long as every body is broke and job less. just my opion. and no im not jobless or homeless but like alot of other struggling to keep head up.
Hello my little Tiger,
At least your not a liberal who tows the line, just to tow it. You got people on here that really believe no mistakes have been made in the last sixty days, and if you ask them they always deflect it back to Bush. Just once, I would like to hear them say "yepper we screwed up". It's like they have a gene in their system that just will not allow them to admit the person they choose screwed up. Funny stuff I tell ya!!


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