Does anybody want to divide up the site between Shale and everything else?

I would like to know if anyone else besides me is interested in a split home page with Shale threads on top, then all of the other banter below in a separate thread section. This separate thread section could still be active where the hot threads go to the top, but they would not compete with the Shale threads. Thoughts anyone? The current tone of the site seems to be non Shale.

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Enforcing a shale only format is alot easier to enforce than enforcement of grey pnumbras and "weeding" non shale discussions out of the shale discussions. What is mean spirited for one may not be for another.

Unfortunately, complaints have forced me to consider this the only alternative. This will get political and unrelated topics out of the shale forum but allow them to remain central to the activity on the site.
I will be unveiling something that should enhance the site for all those involved.
Too bad that you couldn't come up with a program that would let us download only the topics that we want to read! It would solve all the problems.
How do you know what you want to read until you see the topics?
Some people want to read nothing but shale news. Some of us like a cross-section. If you don't want to be bothered with the RIDICULOUS, simply have a filter that lets you by-pass those discussions.
Unfortunately, sometimes something looks like an informative topic, but then as one is reading there suddenly appears something of a different nature. It's like reading the newspaper and suddenly coming to a page where the publisher slipped and put in a pornographic picture or racist, sexist propaganda. This is more than just an issue of where one wants to read.

Again, Keith has a stated purpose for this site in the upper left corner of the main page. Maybe the site should be formatted according to that purpose, with other sections following just like a newspaper.

As for the hijackings ... step up and speak out when offended.
Yes, a timely suggestion Jay. I always appreciate your input.
Yes, I would like to see shale only section. It should also be tirade, fun n games, pontification and soapbox free.
For those that are looking for a quick in and out update on what is going on in the shale and do not want to wade through the other soft chat, hard political and social banter this would be very much appreciated. It should also be fit for an 8 year old to read, without the off color and adult innuendo.

Thanks for the opportunity to present my opinion.
" At this time I believe there will be a lot more focus on the shale and a lot less focus on politics. And a whole lot less focus on the more ridiculous topics.

Now that you have openly shown your disdain for 98.7 % of the active members of this site and their ridiculous lives, how much moreso do you feel that your "shale only" topics will be overlooked. I will now do what I have been doing for some time and remove myself from this discussion, which is at its core, being brought about because of a perceived lack of importance by ones driven by its content. Keep dogpaddlin', ( no reference to any particular breed, S.B ) the still waters of the Haynesville arent dead yet and will again be churned into absolute murkiness. Your talents may again take center stage and your topics be viewed accordingly. Until then I guess I will be a taking my ridiculous self over on the other side, where life is sweeter,problems are solved, friendships are forged and peeps arent quite as up tight.

Congratulations on starting such an interesting post. It has generated many responces.You do realize however that Nothing shale has actually been discussed ?
Have a good one.
Snake, king ridiculous of the RSP clad pirates......And quite honored to be such.
I wished I had said that. You are the word whisperer to be sure!!!
Thanks for putting up with this dummie!
you seem far too nice of a person to be a mod, rosebud. /hug



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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