Snapshot of the Play: HA Unit Orders/Applications By Township - 03/21/09

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James. In a township grid the horizontal rows alternate direction. Section 1 is the upper right corner and the sequence moves left until 6. Then down one to 7 and back right to 12. 13 is below 12 and the sequence moves left to 18. Repeat for all 36 sections in the township square. Now many of the unit order make more sense as they are squares (25,26,35,36 for example) or rectangles (1,2,11,12,13,14 for example). Contiguous multiple sections are the goal as it makes infrastructure development cheaper and more efficient.
Thank you Sir: That explains a lot. I can now see that our land is in Sect. 24 of T13N-R14W. The question now becomes whether Chesapeake will force pool & integrate all separate interests in that section for production... any strategic intelligence about such probability would be appreciated. Regards.
James. Are you leased?
Yes Sir. We are leased. Unfortunately, we leased before the big news broke and did not get favorable terms. Our expectation is to either get a production well in our section or get more favorable lease terms on the next go-round. Regards.



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