
Wanted to let you know that I received what at first looks like a check for royalties but turned out to be a check to buy royalties.

The company is Cobra Pertroleum Company out of Fort Worth Texas and my first reaction was that it was a royalty check, but after further examination and reading the fine print it was a check to purchase minerals. So please read the fine print before you cash anything!

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Yes, I get these all the time for some interest I have in E Texas. HOW DARE THEY!! THE NERVE!! Sneaky dogs, no I mean worms. Dogs are way better than they are.
How did it look like a royalty check? I recieved a letter stating what they wanted to buy, a mineral deed, as well as a draft for payment(not a check). Please verify if they sent you something that was different.
Black out the sensitive info and scan in what you got so we can see what you are talking about.
I have received similar offers over the years for mineral interests I own in Louisiana, and it comes as a check for $250. There is other paperwork included, but anyone who deposits the check has, per the back of the check, as I recall, sold their mineral interests, often for the entire parish, to Cobra. The frustrating thing is that there is nothing which can be done to stop them from sending these offers as they get the names and addresses from public information, the tax rolls.

A few years ago my younger sister finally signed one that had been sitting around for some time. It was returned because it had expired (over 90 days). She would have received $250 from Cobra; over the last 4 years she received over $300,000 in royalties on this S. Louisiana well.

Bottom line, never, ever sell your mineral rights.
I am confused.

To be legal, a mineral deed must be signed, notorized and recorded. Simply cashing a check will not sell your minerals. The best this could do is give you the contractual obligation to sell your minerals, they still would need a properly signed, witnessed , and notorized mineral deed
All you would have to do is transfer your minerals to another person or corporation, and record a deed before cobra had a chance to act, As Louisiana is a race state that deed would be the valid deed. All Cobra could do is sue for breech of contract.
But the minerals would already be transfered.
But it wouldn't resind the sale to the second buyer.
Public records doctorine would protect the rights of the second buyer.



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