Laughable, "EPA Administrator Jackson confirmed an EPA analysis showing that unilateral U.S. action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would have no effect on climate. Moreover, when presented with an EPA chart depicting that outcome, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said he disagreed with EPA’s analysis.

“I believe the central parts of the [EPA] chart are that U.S. action alone will not impact world CO2 levels,” Administrator Jackson said.’t-work/

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Agree with you. Cap and Trade is nothing more than an attempt to transfer wealth from industrialized nations (us), to developing nations. The irony is that the multi-trillion dollar transfer of wealth either will not change the temperature or will have insignificant change. That is our money best used elsewhere. The second irony is that the temperatures appear to have cooled during the past 10 or 11 years without our intervention. Do we really want what Al Gore was quoted yesterday as proposing "Global Governance"?
Yeah i wonder if dinosaur farts caused the earth to warm to a point that vikings at one time grew grapes in Greenland.
OK...Let's start here, these are just a few of the names of dozens and dozens of new bureaucratic programs, agencies, studies, and committees that will be implemented if "Cap and Trade" becomes law. It's a job creator alright....nothing but governmental oversight, regulatory and enforcement jobs, it's called growing the Government even bigger and bigger which means more intervention into our already over burdened lives. I urge anyone with an open mind to read the
You will find that the Government plans to regulate everything from the light bulbs you use to the trees that you plant, this is not an exaggeration, read the bill. A complete list of the bureaucratic doublespeak nonsense is listed here:
Terms and Bureaucratic Agencies, CliffsNotes of HR 2454 “Cap and Trade”
Check out the names they have come up know we are all in deep trouble if this becomes law.
Energy efficient and smart appliance rebate program, Energy Innovation Hub, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, Regional Centers for Energy and Environmental Knowledge and Outreach, industrial research and assessment center, Clean Energy Deployment Administration, CLEAN ENERGY APPLICATION CENTERS, Clean Energy Investment Fund, Energy Technology Advisory Council, National Bio Energy Partnership, Energy Conservation and Production Act, Federal Enforcement and Training, Director of Commercial High-Performance Green Buildings, Retrofit for Energy and Environmental Performance (REEP) program, Performance-based building retrofit program,
All more government can possibly do is to add more overhead to productivity. Isn't too much overhead what got GM to where they couldn't function?
Watch out, your making to much sense out of this. the government is liable to lable you as an eco-terroist or somthing.
Should this all be kept in perspective?
I mean I heard mankind only contributes about 3% of the total atmospheric CO2. That means 97% come from natural sources! So if the US contributes 1/4th of that 3% of CO2 as countries go, how much CO2 emissions would we have to cut back to make a real difference?
The most succinct summation I've seen against CO2 as the great bugaboo as explained by "global warming" was at the end of a very long article written by physicists and I paraphrase, thus: Ask any 4th grade kid what warms the Earth. Guess what they're going to tell you? The sun.

O wow dood ur so smrat. Ya their's no gud maths or sciunce in ths articul.

What about the earth's core, it's r e a l l y hot too. I guess people who are skeptical of global warming are just a bunch of dumb hicks with no book learnin'.
Elitists always fall back on their bread and butter arguments I.E. you don't understand, not smart enough, ignorant, etc. I would love to see one of these liberals horse trade with a "hillbilly" from the sticks in LA, now that would be funny. I don't need a PHD in climatology to recognize a false bill of goods when I see one. My father hated school and never spent a second in a college classroom, he is now the president/owner of a top 100 arklatex business that was built from scratch.

I was also unaware that Al Gore understood thermodynamics etc. and was a climatological scientist and not just a hackjob politician who has always rode on daddy's coat tails. For someone as intelligent as Wolf, using all those big words one would think that he would know the sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion-not fission.

Its Al Gores house, for those who don't know.
Would it have helped you understand if I had said the "primary" source of warmth? It is a FACT that the vast majority of energy that propels life on this planet originates from the sun. I swear I think you're just being intentionally obtuse.

The planet and everything on it is nothing more than residue left over from the formation of old Sol. In about an hour enough solar energy falls on the earth to power the entire planet for something like three years if we could capture it all. Think about that for a minute. Or not, I don't really care.

You're just lashing out in a very unbecoming manner on a point that seems to betray a lack of understanding of very simple concepts, despite the condescending tone you presented me from your first response.

It is ESTABLISHED FACT that fluctuations in the output of the sun directly affect our climate. "Global warming" is unproven at best.

Unless you can have a civil discussion about why you think that article is wrong, you sir, are a troll, and we can just agree to disagree.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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