I have been out for a few days but have spoken with seismic people at two of the companies. I haven't met anyone at the company down south but if you come to the chop and oyster house I am usually there at the martini bar around 7. Any way the seismic guys seem to have a problem with mineral interest owners who want something for nothing in order to give their permission. They want data, free, and data ain't free. It cost tons of money to shoot these surveys. Here's the thing>>> A spec shoot causes a survey to take place that benefits every one who has an interest for a very low price per square mile. If all of you small players, operators and WI owners would try to contract your own 3D survey you will find it bid in at about 100k per sm, just guessing, Just axe someone.
Anyway, these mineral interest owners that are holding out for data will, in some cases, loose out all the way. If the seismic company cuts you outta the shoot your stuff is not going to be available for analyzing. You can't change your mind later, it is gone. That leaves a hole in the data set, thats all I know.
It sounds like a family picture was taken and aunt lou didn't want her face in it so they cut her head out of the paper picture. Months later someone picked up the picture and said who is here and no one knows. Poor analogy but let your imagination work. It is lost.
The data under that property is gone. Wouldn't you hate to drill a well with bad data and miss by 15 feet. It's happend just axe some old wildcatters, they are all over Shreveport. Go down to Texas Street. You can probably walk down the street and talk with 8 or 10 everyday.
Chesapeake says they plan to spend 2 billion every year in Louisiana til 2029. They want the seismic data.
Sign the seismic permit, lets get this thing going on.

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I signed back in late 2008 and urged my neighbors to do the same....which they did. I did enough research on the purpose and value of the test and agree that it is important and necessary data.
I agree with you 100%.
Turns out that they didn't do the seismic study in our area but we did make it possible for them to do so. (in our section/unit)
Where is your property? These surveys are so big it takes months to complete. Last year they were asking, now they are shooting and just started.


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