Just a note to y'all... Pin Oak is nosing around in Section 11 (Hickory Hollow area)
They are offering $1500. per acre with 25% royalties... anyone else out there been contacted?
Since it's heating up again, should we wait or jump? Some of my neighbors have already signed.
Also curious to know if anyone who has leased in the last year - have you seen any royalty payments flow in yet?

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Where is hickory hollow?
What section, township and range is hickory hollow in? I leased with pinoak a few months ago no problems, I leased in secs 17 and 20 17N-10W.
Catfish, Hickory Hollow is located down Boothville Rd which turns into Point Rd. At Point and Herren that begins section 11 which runs all the way down to Burges Camp on Bistineau (at the end of point rd) From Point and Herren all the way down to the end of point is considered Hickory Hollow.
Pinoak was leasing for BEUSA and that is who the check came from. I hope they do flip the acreage to Petrohawk.
Numbers for hickory hollow are Sec 11 17N-10W.... appreciate all the input on my discussion... that's what makes this country so great - we are allowed to ask questions and guess what? It's even better when our actual neighbors are the ones giving us the answers we are seeking. We must be sitting on something out here.
Shalers law, rule 7 section 2.

Thou shall not "practice" on my shale !

If anyone has land on the Haynesville Shale that isnt needed to help meet the needs for you & your family in years to come, please post your info so we can set up a practice field for the ones with little to zero experience drilling & completing a horizontal Haynesville shaleamonster.

While Skip may be able to afford the luxury of allowing some of these lesser knowns to punch a few practice holes on his place, I dont. This is a risky enough proposition, according to the pros, without gambling needlessly on an unknown quantity,IMO.

If there are those of you out there reading this that have had a good experience with the lease transaction & well completion, please let us know. I would be very interested in hearing something different about this company that was just in the right place at the right time.
Not so sure that those people with "that pad", that Taylor eluded to, would agree with you but those of us still unleased,(happily unleased, I might add) need to view every available option when making life altering decisions such as these.

Thanks & have a good one.
Peace out!
Has there been any information on the well going in on Harold Montgomery's property?
I go by that well site weekly and it is growing up, no movement, but I'm in no hurry to get it drilled at these gas prices.
Thanks for the info. Has there been any lease activity in Sec 29?


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