Haynesville exploratory well in San Augustine County, Tex

By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, Aug. 12 – Devon Energy Corp., Oklahoma City, is drilling the Kardell-1 Jurassic Haynesville exploratory well in San Augustine County, Tex.

Log analysis while drilling through the Cretaceous James lime formation at 8,000 ft was encouraging, said 50% interest owner Crimson Exploration Inc., Houston.

The vertical pilot well is at 13,000 ft going to 13,500 ft. Cores are to be taken in Middle Bossier, James lime, and Haynesville shale before the horizontal section is drilled, probably in late October or early November

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Wow, Thanks. I have a friend who owns around 60 mineral acres in Central San Augustine County. He will be interested to hear this news. I didn't think San Augustine County was even being considered for Haynesville Shale potential. If I remember correctly, the TRRC doesn't even have the county listed as a 'non-core' haynesville county.

I hope the results are encouraging. Thanks.

Ellis, I think the maps on RRC are based on completions... they should be revised now that Southwestern has announced well results in San Augustine County.
We will see, looks like they still have some work to do. May just be propganda.
That may be true. He leased back in 2007, but his 'country' neighbor got $6,500.00 pnma from Chesapeake earlier this year..... or so he heard........

If true, I don't think they would pay that amount if they did not plan on targeting the Haynesville at some point, in my opinion. But, of course, this is Chesapeake we are talking about.

I guess we will have to wait and see.
Are you referring to Southwestern, Baron? Or who?
What is the full name of Southwestern? I would like to look at the announced well results in San Augustine County. Thanks!
wells are operated by Common Resources with Southwestern as partner, RRC has IP of last one at 13.4MM FCP 7425
Thank you for the information. I will try to find the wells on RRC website.
Anybody got an API# on this well please? I can't find it.
PBOL Charmine, The Devon/Crimson well is API #405-30285 KARDELL, S. GU 1H


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