Individual Well Production Data When more Than One Producing Well in Unit?

Can anyone answer how you get monthly production data on each well in a unit when multiple wells are included in the unit?

For example, Jacobs 36#1 (238,489) and Jacobs 36#2(239,052) are both in S36, 13N, 11W. When you go to the individual well on Sonris, it shows identical June production of 738,957 mcf. Obviously, HK is reporting on LUW code.

It makes it impossible to follow individual well monthly production and decline with this Sonris reporting method!

Same problem in 17, 16N, 11W and 4, 14N, 11W. It also could be in 21, 13N, 12W if SWEPI could actually hook up the two wells sitting there (oh well, Calhoun 21 was only spud on October 31, 2008 and Diocese of Shreveport was spud on Feb. 27, 2009).

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WR, the sad answer is - you can't.
All reports to the state are by LUW code. Sorry.
Look at the "Well Tests" section of the Sonris Lite Well Files. Companies are required to post a representative test on each well a couple times per year.

Unless they wildly guessed or willfully misrepresented the data, you can get an approximate idea of the contribution each well made to the monthly total.
maybe. Many times a well is not produced at the rate shown in the test. The test will show what the well is cappable of producing, but due to other considerations (pipeline capacity, trying to avoid damage to the formation, and even priceing issues) the well will be choked back. The tests are filed in order to receive an allowable from the state, not to estimate production.
THX to all. Jay gave me the answer. I wish I could use GoshDarn's solution and have a royalty interest in every unit.

Actually, Sonris could correct this since you can look up individual wells and LUW, if Sonris changed and required E&P's to reort both ways--well and unit.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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