It's from a Petrohawk (HK) analyst report release sometime back in March, I think. They were trying to recount the efforts of the various companies (pre-Chesapeake announcement) to locate the extent of the HS.
By the way, may I make a suggestion? On the description of the HS in your intro, you may want to change it to "between the Haynesville formation and the Smackover formation." Some of your less sophisticated readers might mistakenly think you are talking about the towns of Bossier and Smackover!
We are waiting it out. Last offer was $4500/25% R. Several people around us have settled for 2,000 an acre or less. If all the info. out there pans out, we would be stupid to settle so soon. All need to hold out like folks did in the Barrett Shale area. Some communities got smart and made a lot of money.
We went to Dallas/Fort Worth last week. How can all those rigs be so close to airport. They are all over the Airport property. I would think that would be too dangerous to have them that close.
Please read the blogs with the Shreveport Times, good info here. Group forming @ the Lighthouse B. Church on Flournoy-Lucas Rd. in Caddo parish (specifically for investigating info per a land leasing assoc. "group" of landowners per negotiating better leases). I am not associated with this church. However, last Thursday, p.m. group of 120+ met to get info from an O&G attorney per leasing. Another meeting is being scheduled for some time this month (June). Please call 686-2964 and get add. info for this meeting. Strength in Numbers!!! My neighbor, in south/central Caddo parish just signed with Chesapeake (no land man involved) (13 acres) for $9K/acre and 25% royalty, renegotiated lease in 3 years. cannot get your head around the $$$ this find will produce for these O&G companies. The CEO of CHK just purchased 600,000 shares of stock and issued $2 Billion of debt in a bid for E&P in the Haynesville Shale Play (and other areas). Don't sell your land short!!! Questar just paid $29K+ per acre (Feb. 29, 2008) for 22,000 acres (lease-hold interest only) (1 area in Red River and 1 area in Bienville, respectively). What these O&G companies have spent over the past year for leasing contracts with the landowners who did not have the benefit of knowing what was going on right under their noses...i.e., $100-$250/acre leases...will more than...who knows how many X's pay for any $$$ amount for the next round of leasing frenzy...Don't get sucked in! Read everything yu can find! And get with a neighbor or neighborhood, and present these O&G companies with a deal THEY cannot refuse.
We are talking a drop in the bucket (these leasing bonuses and royalty percentages) for these O&G's to be paying here in NW LA. The price of NG this a.m. is around $12.30+...that's almost double what it was as the end of 2007!
Remember...and extra $5K/acre is nothing to these companies...absolutely the overall scheme of things...if this run holds true...AND THE O&G COMPANIES ARE TELLING THEIR STOCKHOLDERS THAT HEAVEN SITS IN THE HAYNESVILLE SHALE!
Resubmitted by DrWAVeSport Tues. 6/03/08 p.m.
P.S. Go to This takes you to Money Talks Topics the shift down to "Haynesville Shale" blog.....and READ!
Re: Forced-pooling mineral leases of separately owned tracts of land. Per
Individual in NW LA "received a notice in mail that an oil company is having a hearing, in part, to force pool and integrate separately owned tracts." Individual says that he/she has not been contacted per leasing minerals by this company. Says hearing is on June 17, 2008.
"All" expert replies that "of all of the hearings on June 17, five of them are for the Jurassic or Haynesville...
Does anyone know what is up with this? Please reply ASAP. May need to spend some time around the courthouses. (Info posted on "" on May 20th.)
Spent all afternoon downloading "legal notices" per the public hearings that are set by the State of LA Office of Conservation, for O&G company applications to drill, spacing of wells, etc., etc., etc.
Seems strange to me: Prior to June 17, 2008, you CANNOT find but a handful of applications/legal notices(per hearings) that contain this: "#2. To force pool and unitize all separately owned tracts, mineral leases and other property within the proposed units in accordance with Sect. 10, Title 30 of the LA Revised Statutes of 1950, with each tract to share in the unit production on a surface acreage basis of participation".
Again...I looked through and read notices begining Jan. 8, 2008...finding just a few legal notices that contain #2.
Why? Why do 90% of the legal notices posted June 17th and following (assoc. with the "Jurassic" or Haynesville shale) (O&G names include Goodrich, Chesapeake, Camterra, Ark-La-Tex Energy, Beusa Energy, Matador, Encana, Cypress Operating, Sklar, Winchester, etc....contain #2?
If anyone can explain or better communicate this "FORCED POOLING" matter and just what these O&G companies are attempting to do with these applications containg same, I would appreciate some feedback ASAP.
Is this a "plus" for the O&Gs or is this a "plus" for the landowner being force pooled? I keep reading negative comments and negative info regarding "force pooling." Do the O&G's get out of paying "bonus" moneys to the pooled mineral owner?
I am sure the O&Gs know exactly what is up...But...doubt that the CEO of Chesapeake is reading this blog. However, here is the invite to him...join the discussion...
I know what I believe about this situation...but for now...will wait for wiser friends than me to respond.
DrWAVeSport Wed. 6/4/08 p.m. Sure am enjoying all the discussions!!!
P.S. I am finding...that the really helpful info is coming from fellow bloggers...and the O&G experts stay pretty dodgy when one tries to get some frank and honest info. Thanks Fellow Bloggers...I "s"HAIL" you all...
Just needed to say a BIG THANK you...from all of the Haynesville Shale Play bloggers. You have no idea how much you have helped others become better educated about their rights, their properties, and their abilities to negotiate for themselves in a manner that will provide some additional income (in this time of soaring gasoline, groceries, etc., etc.) to their neighborhoods, their families and individuals who may be seeing some tougher times around here.
Even if one family can collect a few $K more than a paltry $100 or $200 for their opportunity to participate in this exciting venture of O&G...You, my friend, have been truly a helping hand.
My hat is off to you! And I hope some day...when things settle down...we will all get a chance to say Thank You in a more public forum.
Thanks so much for starting this group. I have a quarter section in desoto parish(14-15n-13w) purchased in 1985 with minerals already leased--$1.00 per acre bonus and 1/8 + 1/32 of 7/8 royalty. Crzy huh? O well! Have already recieved over $300 K + in royalties. The best is yet to come
LOL... that's just me keeping my eye on all this "shale" info. This is a great forum for those of us who don't have a clue about mineral leases.
Thanks for getting it started!
Went to a meeting last night in shreveport, the latest offer for a resindental acrea in the southwestern part of the city is $5,500 with 25% royalty & 3 yr. lese
the meeting was held by Twin Cities Development, I think they represents Chesapeake.. here are a few contact numbers:
Clark Chandler.....318-245-2934
Sharon Bartley......318-453-3895
Dan Kosh..............318-550-3369
I'm so glad that you started this. It really has grown in members. There are people from everywhere and every walk of life. I can't stop watching it! Good job!
According to The Shreveport Times, Chesapeake is opening a new regional office in Shreveport-Bossier City. KTBS news had the story last night and I thought I understood Kevin McCotter to say there would be 9,000 employees working out of this new office - that it takes app. 300 employees to operate each well.
Also, close friends of ours have been offered $5,500 per acre and 1/4 royalty for their residential property in the Springlake subdivision.
The meeting at Lighthouse Baptist Church is a meeting for property owners and the group is being organized for and by property owners in the south Caddo and South Shreveport area. (including but not limited to Forbing, Wallace Lake Heights, Southern Hills, and the adjacent subdivisions and areas) If O&G landmen or company reps are present they are welcome but will not be allowed to make presentations or pass out literature at this time. At our first meeting a landman was present and caused a scene by attempting to shout down the speaker. Our mission is to join forces as property owners and seek the very best possible agreement with whomever makes the best offer. We also are very concerned with being good stewards of our land and how our lives will be impacted by the leases we finally agree to. I hope this answers your question.
Thank you so much for creating this site. How do you screen out landmen or o/g employees? They could seed comments with low ball numbers vs owners really informing other owners. Again, thanks. TCB
Duh, I'm can sort members alphabetically. When you pull up the members page, you can sort any way you like. Sorry for the trouble.
Yes, I'm in the Sabine group. Sorry about stealing your pic. It was better than the one I originally had with the stove burner. This is a wonderful site. My mom and I have gotten so much info from here.
Several people I know have used David Means in Mansfield, but he charges 3%. There is an attorney in Natchitoches who charges a set fee to look over your lease. I don't know his name, but my nephew is using him.
I plan on attending the meeting Tuesday at the high school to see what they have to say about it and see what the attorney that the DA is bringing in has to say, as he is supposed to be an ex-oil company attorney.
sec 17 township 19 range 16w NE/4 of SW/4
Caddo Parish -40 acers
May 21, 2008
By the way, may I make a suggestion? On the description of the HS in your intro, you may want to change it to "between the Haynesville formation and the Smackover formation." Some of your less sophisticated readers might mistakenly think you are talking about the towns of Bossier and Smackover!
Jun 1, 2008
We went to Dallas/Fort Worth last week. How can all those rigs be so close to airport. They are all over the Airport property. I would think that would be too dangerous to have them that close.
Jun 3, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
We are talking a drop in the bucket (these leasing bonuses and royalty percentages) for these O&G's to be paying here in NW LA. The price of NG this a.m. is around $12.30+...that's almost double what it was as the end of 2007!
Remember...and extra $5K/acre is nothing to these companies...absolutely the overall scheme of things...if this run holds true...AND THE O&G COMPANIES ARE TELLING THEIR STOCKHOLDERS THAT HEAVEN SITS IN THE HAYNESVILLE SHALE!
Resubmitted by DrWAVeSport Tues. 6/03/08 p.m.
P.S. Go to This takes you to Money Talks Topics the shift down to "Haynesville Shale" blog.....and READ!
Jun 3, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Individual in NW LA "received a notice in mail that an oil company is having a hearing, in part, to force pool and integrate separately owned tracts." Individual says that he/she has not been contacted per leasing minerals by this company. Says hearing is on June 17, 2008.
"All" expert replies that "of all of the hearings on June 17, five of them are for the Jurassic or Haynesville...
Does anyone know what is up with this? Please reply ASAP. May need to spend some time around the courthouses. (Info posted on "" on May 20th.)
DrWAVeSport Tues. 6/3/2008 p.m.
Jun 3, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Seems strange to me: Prior to June 17, 2008, you CANNOT find but a handful of applications/legal notices(per hearings) that contain this: "#2. To force pool and unitize all separately owned tracts, mineral leases and other property within the proposed units in accordance with Sect. 10, Title 30 of the LA Revised Statutes of 1950, with each tract to share in the unit production on a surface acreage basis of participation".
Again...I looked through and read notices begining Jan. 8, 2008...finding just a few legal notices that contain #2.
Why? Why do 90% of the legal notices posted June 17th and following (assoc. with the "Jurassic" or Haynesville shale) (O&G names include Goodrich, Chesapeake, Camterra, Ark-La-Tex Energy, Beusa Energy, Matador, Encana, Cypress Operating, Sklar, Winchester, etc....contain #2?
If anyone can explain or better communicate this "FORCED POOLING" matter and just what these O&G companies are attempting to do with these applications containg same, I would appreciate some feedback ASAP.
Is this a "plus" for the O&Gs or is this a "plus" for the landowner being force pooled? I keep reading negative comments and negative info regarding "force pooling." Do the O&G's get out of paying "bonus" moneys to the pooled mineral owner?
I am sure the O&Gs know exactly what is up...But...doubt that the CEO of Chesapeake is reading this blog. However, here is the invite to him...join the discussion...
I know what I believe about this situation...but for now...will wait for wiser friends than me to respond.
DrWAVeSport Wed. 6/4/08 p.m. Sure am enjoying all the discussions!!!
P.S. I am finding...that the really helpful info is coming from fellow bloggers...and the O&G experts stay pretty dodgy when one tries to get some frank and honest info. Thanks Fellow Bloggers...I "s"HAIL" you all...
Jun 4, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Even if one family can collect a few $K more than a paltry $100 or $200 for their opportunity to participate in this exciting venture of O&G...You, my friend, have been truly a helping hand.
My hat is off to you! And I hope some day...when things settle down...we will all get a chance to say Thank You in a more public forum.
DrWAVeSport 6/7/08 p.m.
Jun 7, 2008
No, I have not done this before but I have been doing a heck of a lot of research for my neighbors and myself.
Jun 8, 2008
nisie, not a happy camper landowner
Jun 9, 2008
nisie, not a happy camper landowner
Jun 9, 2008
Jun 9, 2008
Breon Pugh
Jun 10, 2008
nisie, not a happy camper landowner
Jun 10, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Jun 10, 2008
Thanks haynesville for setting this site up. Very informative. Just hope I can help others as I gain a better understanding myself.
Jun 10, 2008
Jun 11, 2008
nisie, not a happy camper landowner
Jun 11, 2008
Becky (S14 - T17N - R15W)
Thanks for getting it started!
Jun 11, 2008
Jun 11, 2008
Jun 11, 2008
nisie, not a happy camper landowner
Jun 11, 2008
Jun 11, 2008
Marty Knowles
Jun 11, 2008
Clark Chandler.....318-245-2934
Sharon Bartley......318-453-3895
Dan Kosh..............318-550-3369
Jun 12, 2008
Jun 12, 2008
Mom A1
Jun 12, 2008
Also, close friends of ours have been offered $5,500 per acre and 1/4 royalty for their residential property in the Springlake subdivision.
Jun 13, 2008
Jun 17, 2008
Beer Store
Jun 18, 2008
Mom A1
Is there any way that we can have the members names alphabetized to find them easier? If not, that's ok, too. Still loving the site.
Jun 18, 2008
Jun 18, 2008
Mom A1
Duh, I'm can sort members alphabetically. When you pull up the members page, you can sort any way you like. Sorry for the trouble.
Jun 18, 2008
Jun 19, 2008
Several people I know have used David Means in Mansfield, but he charges 3%. There is an attorney in Natchitoches who charges a set fee to look over your lease. I don't know his name, but my nephew is using him.
I plan on attending the meeting Tuesday at the high school to see what they have to say about it and see what the attorney that the DA is bringing in has to say, as he is supposed to be an ex-oil company attorney.
Jun 19, 2008