Hey there,
I am also in nw shelby county. Could you give a little more information regarding your recent post? Also, I have seen a map that shows a band of turbidite that runs through Timpson. Could this be the other area of interest?
that very well could be. trubidite sequences are known to be reservoirs for hydrocarbon and lode gold. where can I see this map.
ps Your name wouldnt happen to be ed would it.
hello gone fishin... were are from san augustine and there is a oil and gas company offering 5000.00 per acre and 25 % royalities.. the name of the company is Encana and the # is 936-275-2555
Hello Ben , I would love to be able to be a part of this meeting but it would be next to impossible for me to be there.If there is anything else I could do I will do whatever I can to help. Good luck and whatever else you guy's do , make informed , thought out decissions! That advice if followed could save millions in your area. Stay on the net and learn everything you can. If someone is in a hurry , they will lose. Speed kills.
You referred to a well that was South of HWY 84 and about which there was some good news. I wondered if you knew the survey or some other detail [API #] about that well.
Thanks for the information on the successful Solomon well, south of Hwy 84.[419-31244].
I did read the comments posted about activity thought to be well testing in Mt Enterprise [401-34384] and I intend to go to a meeting there tonight. Also, I was glad to read comments by 'alamo' about the deep well activity in the Cushing/Traewick area. Those wells [347-32876, 347-32645] are 12 miles west of me [401-34856]. I am 7 miles south of your property. Considering all this together: the well activity near you [401-34516, 419-31315], the wells west of me, and other permitted wells near me [401-34134, 401-34646], it seems the so-called HS shale gas play could be even as far as my corner of Rusk County. Until I read about all this, I thought our prospective well was intended and permitted for the Cotton Valley Lime and the more shallow pays zones such as the Travis Peak and the Pettit. Soon we will know.
Hi Ben,
I was not at the meeting, but it was my understanding that Encana was expect to make a presentation.
Seems that someone would report on this meeting?
Our property is on 1645 about 1/2 way between hwy 84 and 87.
Neighbors used to be (as best as I can recall--this was my grand mother's property (Jenny Lowrance)) were the Shepherds, Buck Raines, Darnells, Fullers, Bailys (I think there was a small chicken farm on this property?), Rhodes, Honeycutts, Childs, Bradshaws,...
Would like to know who (neighbors) is thinking what.
210 213 7004
There was no Haynesville Shale meeting that I could find posted or held in Mt Enterprise on Monday or otherwise. Since then, I contacted the Mayor there and clued him in on HS activities. If a meeting is scheduled to occur there now, I am confident I will hear about. He was personally going to check out 401-34384. He probably knows the landowner and will find out what was going on.
B/t/w, is there any recent news about the Chesapeake well, 401-34516, just north of 84 and west of 1971; or the well 419-31315 to the east of 1971?
Do you know of firm offers in Shelby County, in between Joaquin and Center? I don't want to be greedy, but don't want to be underpaid. I appreciate your hard work in this effort.
Thanks so much for your help. I have a small tract, so I'll wait this out. Chesapeake claims they don't need the tract, but would like to have it. I'm in the same position. The land is about 8 miles from the LA border.
They didn't say how deep the coal [seam?] was. They only drilled to 80 feet as they set a casing to receive the rig. They did say that lignite started about at the 35-40 foot depth. The rate at which the drill stem progressed down slowed down when they got to that depth and never sped up again. When they removed the drill stem, wet lignite and wet shale had worked its' way to the top of the hole. Rather than guess how thick that lignite seam is, I'll find out.
The rig [NOMAC # 112] began arriving yesterday, during the rain, and they said they would be drilling by Saturday. I'll ask the wellsite boss, who I met yesterday, to give me a more informed number about the lignite from the results as they begin the drilling. I am curious too. About 30 years ago, my dad refused to lease to a company that wanted to strip mine the coal here. We had forgotten all about that until now.
In case you didn't notice, Cabot Oil has permitted another well [347-32778] to 14,000 ft that is in Nacogdoches County. This one is 3.46 miles south of me and 8.76 miles west of me. [That would be 11.33 miles south of you and 11.37 miles west of you]. When I put it on 'my map' of wells of interest, I have to believe this HS is found in a very broad area. Surely you are in it, and, hopefully we are too. Many families will be blessed with this production.
Hi Gone, you left a comment, "Looks like shelby is shaping up like this so far. NFR west shelby, Devon center, Cpk east. what do yall think. " NFR, is this an O/G company? Also are you saying that you think that Devon is the major player in the Center area? Have you run accross a contact # for them, as they have not found me yet. Thanks!
I assume we are talking about the NFR/Mitchell Trust #1 well [# 419-31315] on the W. Ferguson survey. The answer is: No, I looked on the RRC site and did not find/notice a new permit to abandon and redrill. Are you referring to a different well? If not, where did you see the new permit? Onsite perhaps? It maybe that they experienced a catastrophe during the drilling and now need to obtain a permit to move over and drill a replacement well. If so, they will get a new permit. Here is an example where I observed that once before. Well # 401-34217 experienced a problem during drilling. The company got a permit to move over a few yards and drill a replacement well, well # 401-34435.
OK. I suspect that there was a catastrophe that occurred during drilling and they are requesting that they move over to drill a replacement well. It looks like the permit hasn't been approved yet. I too wonder what happened.
Hey, GF. Thanks for the update. I never could find anything on them on the 'net except for an adress in Naples, Fla. and a phone number. No web presence at all. They just didn't seem very solid to me even if the old timers were.
GF, do you know what the going rate that companies are paying for a finders fee. I have heard as much as $100/acre. If you have heard anything about this just leave me a comment on my home page. Thank you.
I knew you live in the H area. I am sorry that it's been so hard for everyone. We were very lucky over here. Not like Rita. It is very quiet on all pages for two weeks now. We have time for HS when life settles down once again. Take care.
Hey GF, I hope leasing is livelier in Shelby Co. than it is in Sabine. We are pretty much out of luck at the moment.
On that note, I got an offer in the mail from Cinco Energy Land Services leasing for Samson Lone Star, LLP. Do you know anything about Samson? I know they are active in Shelby, Rusk and Panola and are drilling some fairly deep wells (most are 10-13,000').
Thanks for the update, GF. I kinda felt like they would be back after the election...the first of the year is ok, too. I'm not in a hurry, but I did want to know about Samson so I could respond (not) to their offer. I think they are just trying to take advantage of the lull in offers by bigger companies. They are trying to take advantage of the fear factor and I think they are also targeting women (owners). Perhaps, thinking single/widowed women with no one to advise them... I now know of two just lately who have been approached by them. I am advising any who ask that this is not a good offer.
GF, I need help. I broke down and called Cinco today. I told them that we couldn't accept their 250.00 offer especially if they wanted deep rights. I told them I knew that Devon had set the market on those at 5K back in the summer. The lady said that 250.00 was all she was authorized to offer, of course, and I again declined, of course. Then she said they only wanted shallow rights and that she could give me a depth clause for all below 7800'. I told her to make me an offer on all tracts (5 tracts about 325 ac. total) plus cousins who a contiguous to me for an additional 275-300 acres. She said she'd send it upstairs.
I already know that her next offer will be 400.00/ac.
What do you think is a fair offer for shallow rights? What about royalty? She is offering 1/5...do you think I can get 1/4 no cost?
As I understand it (correct me if you think I'm wrong) you can lease your shallow rights now and it won't affect leasing deep rights later when the offers get better. Comments, please! If you have an example of a clause severing deep rights can you share it with me? I have about a thousand other questions but this will do for right now.
Thanks, GF. No I will not go it alone. I have already had an informal discussion with my atty. and he suggested that even for shallow rights I should get upwards of 1500.00/ac. and I don't think these guys are going anywhere near that high.
I looked Samson Lone Star up on RRC site and they were the #9 producer in 2006 and #6 in 2007, so they are serious players. I just have not heard a lot about them. They sort of stay under the PR radar somehow. Let me know if you hear anything else about them.
I really am not in a hurry but my curiosity got the better of me and I had to find out...how easily they would come off of that first offer, how interested they would be in larger acreage, whether they will accept better terms. I've never done this before but I play poker so I guess I'm testing my opponent, you might say. Better to learn on small offers rather than big ones, I think, since I'm a little bit behind the learning curve.
Oh, and the lawyer is checking with the Devon guys to see what their opinion is about a seperate lease on shallow rights and whether they see it as a problem. And also on clauses needed for this sort of situation. He expects them to start leasing again late Jan./Feb.
I have read some of the posts from La. about requests to commissioners about strata nomenclature and I do realize that the OGs have a huge bag of tricks. I've been trying to learn all I can but I do know my limitations. I also have a group of people who are sort of depending on me for a good lease so that keeps me very humble.
we have land off 103 on 705 in san augustine..... hoping we will see drilling soon down our way.... keeping a eye on drilling permits.. exactly where is your land? you have land in san augustine right?
Fishin..I saw that you said your land is near Timpson...anywhere near FM947? I have property out that way and wondered if yours was anywhere close. I have had a landman contact me for some title work but the lease expires in July 09, not sure why contacting me unless they have some intentions I do not know yet...I am new and just trying to understand the processes. Thanks, I would appreciate any and all info you can offer.
Well, that is sorta the point..I don't know how close I am to anything and need help understanding. I am off of FM947 on CR4688 in the Wm Howard survey. I don't know what wells are around me or what they are doing. That is pretty much my question because I have been unable to understand much from the rrc. I am new to all of this and never really paid much attention to O & G for any reason. Thanks, Laurie
The property is split by CR4688...there are 50acres on one side (mine) and the other side of the road is appox 120acres. This belongs to myself and 2 cousins...33 of that side is mine. Total I have 83acres of the 170ish we own. I am not sure about the neighbors because I don't live there. I actually live in South La but use that property for hunting purposes and such. As a matter of fact, all no one lives on the 170acres...used for timber and hunting. Point is that I am not sure about the neighbors but I guess I should ask....Laurie
I forgot to tell you that I am leased to Petrohawk but it expires in July. As I told you before a landman contacted me from them but it was not Dudley. In your experience, why would they be doing curative title work on property that expires in 7months...is that enough time to get something done? What do you think that means?
what I don't understand is why I am in the dark about it. Why doesn't someone from the lease co keep the land/mineral owners in the loop? Everyone keeps saying it is because of the competition but there are wells everywhere...Thanks for your information, I assure you that I will use it! Laurie
Hi Gone Fishin!
Long time, no hear...my fault, haven't been on in awhile. Evertime I check, nothing seems to be happening. I caught this post of yours in the East Texas group, " Permalink Reply by j on December 15, 2008 at 8:00pm
thanks, I figured it was prob devon, I am hearing that chesapeake will be back in full force in Feb
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Permalink Reply by Gone Fishin on December 15, 2008 at 11:57pm
I dont doubt it, they have filed a ton of leases with the shelby county clerk in the last few weeks. more than I have seen filed at any other time. must have found the money to pay for them i suppose.
Anyone have any info on the mitchell trust well. I hear its flaring big time.
What is going on down there? Something must be good if CHK is back filing in Shelby County again! I sure wish my phone would start ringing again!
No news near me. I would like to know how the 401-34134 well will turn out. It is NE of FM 1971 where it connects to Hwy 95. They went down to 12,500 ft or just shy of that. Let me know if you hear about that one.
Well thank you! I'm a bit late....i don't have any Haynesville alerts mailed to my regular email I guess! I guess my train of thought today in my current situation is bonus and hbp may be better then nothing at all. That could change 3 months from now though.
I am also in nw shelby county. Could you give a little more information regarding your recent post? Also, I have seen a map that shows a band of turbidite that runs through Timpson. Could this be the other area of interest?
Jul 28, 2008
Gone Fishin
ps Your name wouldnt happen to be ed would it.
Jul 28, 2008
Jul 28, 2008
Jul 30, 2008
Snake Stewart
Jul 31, 2008
Lee Norman
Aug 9, 2008
Lee Norman
I did read the comments posted about activity thought to be well testing in Mt Enterprise [401-34384] and I intend to go to a meeting there tonight. Also, I was glad to read comments by 'alamo' about the deep well activity in the Cushing/Traewick area. Those wells [347-32876, 347-32645] are 12 miles west of me [401-34856]. I am 7 miles south of your property. Considering all this together: the well activity near you [401-34516, 419-31315], the wells west of me, and other permitted wells near me [401-34134, 401-34646], it seems the so-called HS shale gas play could be even as far as my corner of Rusk County. Until I read about all this, I thought our prospective well was intended and permitted for the Cotton Valley Lime and the more shallow pays zones such as the Travis Peak and the Pettit. Soon we will know.
Aug 11, 2008
George Wright
I was not at the meeting, but it was my understanding that Encana was expect to make a presentation.
Seems that someone would report on this meeting?
Our property is on 1645 about 1/2 way between hwy 84 and 87.
Neighbors used to be (as best as I can recall--this was my grand mother's property (Jenny Lowrance)) were the Shepherds, Buck Raines, Darnells, Fullers, Bailys (I think there was a small chicken farm on this property?), Rhodes, Honeycutts, Childs, Bradshaws,...
Would like to know who (neighbors) is thinking what.
210 213 7004
Aug 13, 2008
Lee Norman
B/t/w, is there any recent news about the Chesapeake well, 401-34516, just north of 84 and west of 1971; or the well 419-31315 to the east of 1971?
Aug 13, 2008
Mint Julep
Aug 14, 2008
Mint Julep
Aug 15, 2008
Lee Norman
The rig [NOMAC # 112] began arriving yesterday, during the rain, and they said they would be drilling by Saturday. I'll ask the wellsite boss, who I met yesterday, to give me a more informed number about the lignite from the results as they begin the drilling. I am curious too. About 30 years ago, my dad refused to lease to a company that wanted to strip mine the coal here. We had forgotten all about that until now.
In case you didn't notice, Cabot Oil has permitted another well [347-32778] to 14,000 ft that is in Nacogdoches County. This one is 3.46 miles south of me and 8.76 miles west of me. [That would be 11.33 miles south of you and 11.37 miles west of you]. When I put it on 'my map' of wells of interest, I have to believe this HS is found in a very broad area. Surely you are in it, and, hopefully we are too. Many families will be blessed with this production.
Aug 20, 2008
Aug 20, 2008
Lee Norman
Sep 9, 2008
Lee Norman
Sep 9, 2008
Sep 10, 2008
Sep 11, 2008
Sep 25, 2008
Sep 26, 2008
On that note, I got an offer in the mail from Cinco Energy Land Services leasing for Samson Lone Star, LLP. Do you know anything about Samson? I know they are active in Shelby, Rusk and Panola and are drilling some fairly deep wells (most are 10-13,000').
Oct 15, 2008
Oct 15, 2008
Oct 16, 2008
I already know that her next offer will be 400.00/ac.
What do you think is a fair offer for shallow rights? What about royalty? She is offering 1/5...do you think I can get 1/4 no cost?
As I understand it (correct me if you think I'm wrong) you can lease your shallow rights now and it won't affect leasing deep rights later when the offers get better. Comments, please! If you have an example of a clause severing deep rights can you share it with me? I have about a thousand other questions but this will do for right now.
Oct 27, 2008
Oct 28, 2008
I looked Samson Lone Star up on RRC site and they were the #9 producer in 2006 and #6 in 2007, so they are serious players. I just have not heard a lot about them. They sort of stay under the PR radar somehow. Let me know if you hear anything else about them.
I really am not in a hurry but my curiosity got the better of me and I had to find out...how easily they would come off of that first offer, how interested they would be in larger acreage, whether they will accept better terms. I've never done this before but I play poker so I guess I'm testing my opponent, you might say. Better to learn on small offers rather than big ones, I think, since I'm a little bit behind the learning curve.
Oct 28, 2008
I have read some of the posts from La. about requests to commissioners about strata nomenclature and I do realize that the OGs have a huge bag of tricks. I've been trying to learn all I can but I do know my limitations. I also have a group of people who are sort of depending on me for a good lease so that keeps me very humble.
Oct 28, 2008
Oct 29, 2008
nick waters
Nov 1, 2008
Dec 15, 2008
Dec 16, 2008
Dec 16, 2008
Dec 17, 2008
Dec 18, 2008
Dec 18, 2008
Dec 18, 2008
Dec 18, 2008
Long time, no hear...my fault, haven't been on in awhile. Evertime I check, nothing seems to be happening. I caught this post of yours in the East Texas group, " Permalink Reply by j on December 15, 2008 at 8:00pm
thanks, I figured it was prob devon, I am hearing that chesapeake will be back in full force in Feb
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Permalink Reply by Gone Fishin on December 15, 2008 at 11:57pm
I dont doubt it, they have filed a ton of leases with the shelby county clerk in the last few weeks. more than I have seen filed at any other time. must have found the money to pay for them i suppose.
Anyone have any info on the mitchell trust well. I hear its flaring big time.
What is going on down there? Something must be good if CHK is back filing in Shelby County again! I sure wish my phone would start ringing again!
Jan 5, 2009
Lee Norman
Jan 5, 2009
Jan 15, 2009