Obama says, 'I will tap our natural gas reserves'!!'I will cut taxes for 95% of Amercans'!!

Great for Shalers, that's us.
I don't know about you, but even with my Shale blessings, I am still in the lower 95%. For those of you in the top 5, so sorry....NOT.
So I know who I am going with.

What'dya think of that!

Yes We Can and WILL!

Tags: Obama, bote, election, gas, natural, taxes

Views: 433

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I agree with you Conserned although, big oil was gouging way before the H/S broke. Ignorance of the values of our properties from one year to the next certainly doesn't constitute a position of causing this problem in any form of the imagination. With about 80 % value in the pockets of O&G , I do not even become a fly on the back of price gouging in this debate. If we as mineral owners were to donate our procedes , which is closer then we want to even think about, I dare say we wouldn't even see a ripple in the effects of pricing that it would or wouldn't cause.
Let's let the soccer mon from alaska debate Obama and see what happens.
I belive she would make him look like ned in the 1st grade reader.
As for old people, you ever been told when you were a kid not to do something by someone you considered old? If you remember correctly they might not have told you why not to do it and let you go ahead and find out for yourself.
This old person is telling you not to vote for the DEM Party in this election.
Its nice to see "old" people enjoying new technology and that some of y'all can blog, read email, etc.

The deal is that the future is at stake, as most of it is already sold out from under the next generation. Generation X did everything their elders told them and woke to disloyal companies and disillusionment, Genration Y is a bit more skeptical and is asking "why should I bother with it? Generation Kill is out exterminating more brown people and fed prozac for their PTSD when they come home between tours....Did they have homeless and suicidal vets in your day?
What if he is caught with a racist preacher, the domestic terrorist Willam Ayers, convicted felon slumlord Tony Rezco (who helped him buy his mansion). I really like his qoutes though "the white mans greed feeds a world in need", Barack Hussein Obama.
Well said Joann, I really like the fact check big gas cut me too.
Excuse me FAT check, I dont know why but it wouldnt allow me to edit that, another point though, Hussein Obama must be a real genius, hes gonna cut taxes for 95% of the poeple, give us healthcare, more entitlement programs, more illegal immigration, and disarm Iran China and Russia with his smooth dimplomacy. Come on poeple, I cant believe anyone would be ignorant enough to fall for this classic Huey Long style socialist populism.
Will you all just join the political group?
NOBAMA '08 ...........Keep the change!
Should get some bumperstickers."NOBABA-GO HAYNESVILLE SHALE"
Do you even believe these politicians say?? Go by there record. I wound'nt believe either of em. with palin on ticket, I would lean towards Repubs. I have heard lower tax promises for past 3 decades. It has never came. It come in couple hundred dollar lower tax,but there are other ways created to pay it back in thousands. It's like every time you pay electric bill and fill up at pump you will be paying more in taxes than what you saved on income tax.
Hey KB,
I'll see your W Sr. and raise you a Clinton.
"I did not have sex with that woman" Well maybe just a little.
I am so sorry to hear that. I am very concerned of the top 5 for one thing zerobama is a liar. He plans to tax every "working" american.
taxing the top 5 how absurd. that only would hurt the working class folks. How?
well chesapeak, petrohawk, Encana, BP, Shell, they are all in the top 5%,tax them to no end and what do you have? NO MORE "shale blessing" as you call it.You'll have way less exploritation, production, higher gas and oil prices, which leads to higher food and whathaveyou.
Wind fall profit tax?? Come on how stupid can people really be?
Higher death tax, higher capital gains tax and the list goes on and on.
go to the forum on the tax and see what they are already taking from those that have been paid already for their lease. The Fed is taking almost half of it , that is if you got over $300,000. Zerobama wants even more to pay for his globalpoverty act (Global welfare)


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