Central and North Louisiana Land Owner Association (CANLLA)

I am thinking of starting a non profit organization. The organization would focus on land owner rights, lobbying for change in the Louisiana Mineral Code and Real Estate Laws to better protect Land Owner (and home owner ) interests, public education, and environmental watch re, the O&G industry in north and central LA. I would like serious input re, this idea please.

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Which ones are you interested in and I will try to post them or guid you to them.
That's a great idea, Kassi. Thank you. We'll sign whatever you come up with.
Kassi, you and KB & Les B. & ShaleGeo, and numerous others on this site are very well versed in what you are doing and I appreciate and respect the input, knowledge and effort all of you have made to help out your neighbors and this area of the HS. I have not been able to commit the kind of time and attention to this stuff as ya'll have but I have learned alot from you all and some on my own.

I feel that from what I have observed, folks that feel the laws are good and folks that think they need tweeking are both right in some areas. If you fully understand the laws, which is almost impossible and have the political clout and know how to make them work for you, then many of the laws may work. However, the common landowner in the HS play doesn't have that kind of politcal clout, persuasion money or know how on their own to MAKE the law work for them and as tax paying citizens, people shouldn't have to persuade and make the law work on their behalf, it should be there to do that anyway.

I feel that a big problem with the codes is lack of oversight and enforcement, just like many other laws in our state, they are no better than the paper they are written on if someone isn't resposible for making sure that they are carried out and enforced.
And mean, snarley teeth like a "not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00 dollar fine for failure to comply" is absolutely ludicrous and wrong and anyone who thinks that doesn't favor the gas companies should go down to Sabine parish and ask all the folks being arm twisted into signing $250-5,000 dollar an acre leases (while the companies hold production information on the Olympia Minerals and Murray wells) how they feel about the codes and the low fines and I bet you won't get ONE person to say they think they are good!

As a landowner in a section being drilled right now, I am experiecing the lackness of the codes and from my view point, the state is in violation of some codes themselves and I am eagerly waiting as the Nelson 18-H-1 nears completion to see how many more codes the companies are allowed to violate.

I think a large group of Kassi's people and others around the area that are interested in addressing these deficiencies should join together, form a caravan of about 2-3,000 taxpaying voters and go to the commissioners building, with media in tow, and talk to him about these issues; nothing gets a politicians attention like mad voters that openly and loudly complain about not being represented properly by THEIR elected offcials.
Unless you've got a juris doctorate in O&G and some deep-pocketed, politically-connected backers (U.S. District Court level at least) ... why take the longest, danger-fraught and most expensive pathway to your objective? GET ELECTED TO POLITICAL OFFICE.
Give it a try (the lobbying thing). Kind of like herding cats.
I know what you mean. I have been involved in lobbying efforts regarding Medicare and Medicaid for years. Fun stuff! I would love to run for office but that is not realistic for a single mother with special needs kids and no deep pockets to fund it so...a lobbying I go..
Kassi send an email to NCHRGR73@cs.com and i willsend you a bunch of the paperwork you'll need to file w IRS for non-profit
Thanks Deacon, I will send you an email soon!
Contact NARO - National Association of Royalty Owners. They have defended Texas property owners on many issues and are a great source for people to get information. They spoke in Shreveport recently but were not well received, A couple of people attending the meeting accused them of trying to convince landowners to sign leases rather than becoming an operator with 100% royalty. I think they were just warning them of the risks. (maybe planted by O/G companies to prevent anyone from trying to organize) Anyway, it would have been good if they could have formed a La. branch. Now we have no large organized group to defend us against the state office and thw will or O/G.
I am already a member of Naro and have asked for information re, forming a Louisiana chapter.


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