Obama says, 'I will tap our natural gas reserves'!!'I will cut taxes for 95% of Amercans'!!

Great for Shalers, that's us.
I don't know about you, but even with my Shale blessings, I am still in the lower 95%. For those of you in the top 5, so sorry....NOT.
So I know who I am going with.

What'dya think of that!

Yes We Can and WILL!

Tags: Obama, bote, election, gas, natural, taxes

Views: 439

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What has any lying politician ever accomplished? All they do is stand in front of us during election time tell a pack of lies that most intelligent people will no could never be accomplished. But most people believe the lies and when they don't follow through we get mad at the lying politician. No president can get anything done with the house of representatives and senate...
If you are feeling that way, it would seem rather indulgent to cast a vote?
when a canadate starts promising to reduce taxes on 95% of the people, and at the same time makes promises to do everything for everybody you better hold on to your pockets. he makes a wonderful speech but he's only been in the senate less than 180 hours. wouldn't you want a doctor to have more experience before he operates on you. well he's going to be operatering on the whole world. i think he is a good guy and means well but he needs to be around a little longer.
How can you reduce taxes on 95% of the people when only 60-65% pay any tax?
How do you think he will?
Aren't there folks now getting refunds who aren't paying income taxes?
STUPID is ,as STUPID goes....!!!
Why does John M. not get a chance, he has such a proven record.
America loves Sarah Palin and will fall deeper in love with her from this point on. And no one should be racists, nobody wants to hear that stuff. This is a new generation and I think John and Sarah will do a wonderful job. Thank God Bush stepped up when he did. One of my neighbors has a Kerry Edwards sticker on his bumper, I giggle and head-shake everytime I see it. America is still Great and don't forget who you are sirs & madams.

-J. Alexander
Whoa! This American does not love Sarah Palin. We'll see how many love her come November.
What is it that you don't like about her? I must know.
Now that the central banks in all the world have lost confidence in us, the fed only has 80 billion in treasury bonds and has printed a couple trillion dollars in order to cover the de-regulated merging of financial products (banks selling stocks and bonds, insurance, etc) sort of similar to pre-depression economic policy......Phil Grahm and Carl Rove has no respect for the institutions in which they operate ---they believe they are above the law and manipulate everything possible to get their agendas across and the effect.....savings and loan scandal, sub-prime mortgage debacle, etc

I am completely confused about you thanking God for Bush.

We are an alienated nation with very few friends and resources left after the wasted resources and lies we have told everyone...How could Standard's and Poor's even rate those ARM mortgages as investment grade, How did the SEC lose it's $ and power? Ask the current administration these questions in a press conference and they will run you out of the room...or worse!

it seems like there are a bunch of pretendi-publicans that have been fooled by the propaganda that only republicans love guns, God and capitalism! Yes we are still great, but we are only as good as we treat the least in our society...Do you think God is happy about "Gitmo"?
RE-fund implies that you have already paid something.

You can't receive a refund unless you pay first, and if you are late in filing your taxes (as I often extend and try to send my check before christmas) your refunds, or tax credit values diminish as fees and penalties eat them up quickly!

We do not have anything quite like what they have in the UK, where people can receive benefits without being included in the contribution (proportionately)
Yuu are wrong on this point as well, I know of many persons who get child tax credits, I.E. tax refunds who have no tax liability, I have seen posters and advertisements for poeple who do not pay taxes, where the government says to be sure and file anyway so you can get your Child Tax Credits and other give aways, things liek that just drive me crazy!


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