Could someone please post a map or map source for North DeSoto fault lines

I have read comments here recently about fault lines in T14N-T14W that may run up into T15N-R14W.  Attached is a file showing a portion of the Sonris HA unit map on 3-7-10.  There is a line of 8 connected,  non-unitized sections along a northwest to southeast line starting in S20-15N-14W and ending in S11-14N-14W.  Is there possibly a fault line running through this line of sections that might partially explain why operators have avoided unitizing this group?

Tags: HA Units, North DeSoto, Sonris, fault lines

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Thanks. Let me ask a more specific question. I have a 10-acre mineral servitude in the Northwest corner of S20-T15N-R14W. Are there any faults in any direction in Section 20 or any north-south/east-west adjacent sections? Also, any other thoughts on why none of these 8 sections has been unitized? Perhaps it's just a random group awaiting infill? I read a recent comment that Petrohawk was moving into Section 29 but can't remember their status there. Thanks again.
Robert, isn't sec. 20 or 15/14 involved in litigation as to mineral ownership? There are some sections near Grand Cane involved in litigation and they have not been drilled either. I don't know if this can keep drilling at bay, but it is coincidental that the involved sections have not been drilled
I had not heard about any litigation. Thanks for the tip. Could you tell me what, when and where you heard about this. My guess is it depends on the amount of acreage involved to hold up drilling.
I heard about it last yr. about the time Kassi and her group on west side of 171 were involved in trying to get their minerals back. I don't own land in that area so didn't keep up with it. I don't know if it involved whole section or partial section. Maybe someone on this board will know more. Go to the Desoto section and type in the info. You will get responses
Thanks Susie.

This isn't very specific and it comes from a Berman presentation so....

I know several land owners that will not permit seismic testing on their property for fear of faults being found prior to leasing. The question I have is were these fault lines known prior to the most recent seismc survey? When were these faults descovered?



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