Dispute with Chesapeak on acerage in Division Order

Has anyone else had issue with the Division Order presented by Chesapeake declaring incorrect (under) acreage? Have spent one month so far trying to get them to correct their error with no success. I suspect there may be others with a similar issue and am seeking advice on how to get the issue resolved.
(This topic is also listed under the Desoto Parish discussion)


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I would think that it is probable that Chesapeake had the Section surveyed.  If so, you are not likely to win the argument.  I own an 80 acre tract in a Section that is slightly less that 640 acres.  My 80 acre tract is actually 80.341 acres, which means that someone in the section has an 80 with less than 80.000 acres.
I know how you're feeling. I have the same problem with Matador on a D.O.. My 2.345 is now 2.008 on a poor well. My acreage is inside sect. lines and I sold 96x200ft. to state for hwy. I retained minerals and I think that's the problem. I'm dealing with the D.O. office at Matador. The lady sent me their plat which goes on record at the cons. office. She was very cordial and nice but since then won't answer her e-mails. Not enough money to worry about on this well but the principal(you know). I can easily see where your land could be a fraction less because of the section line border. However you might want to turn it over to someone and spend the money for peace of mind. My opinion in your case is that's all you'll receive for your money.
Gary, if a survey which you pay for reflects that the west half of the southeast quarter is, in fact , less that 80 acres in your particular Section, then you are right ..............it would have no positive value...........for you.

That does not, however, mean that the survey is inaccurate. The very fact that different Sections are more than, or less than 640 acres automatically infers that one or more of the "80" acre tracts within the Section has to be, by definition, more than or less than a full 80 acres. That is what Skip is trying to explain to you.

Send me your section and description. You may message me on this site if you want to keep it quiet. I will look at the official section plat to determine the exact acreage.

Or if you want, post it here and I will post a coppy of your section plat so the others can see what they look like.

The_Baron is THE MAN!!!

He found error made by CHP. I now have info that should get CHK to correct their error.
How do I buy this man a beer?

Your welcome Gary.

Just the fact that you are going to give CHK a hard time makes my day.
You call Baron's favorite bar and fund a tab in his name. 'round here, "the Cub" is a likely target!
Bravo, Baron!

Does anyone care to comment on the nature of the discrepancy so the rest of us have an idea about what kind of things to look for?
Interested as well. How can you check the plat? Do I send them certified letter asking them to send me a plat that shows my mineral interest? They won't give me information on the missing acreage interest. How to proceed?l
Maybe you could collect as an unleased mineral owner on the part they aren't paying you royalties on.
This is my thinking as well. I want to insure I am correct (on the percentage of the Section and on the acreage) AND insure that the discrepancy in the Division Orders releases that partial acre from the "lease". Then may pursue royalty collection on the un-leased property. However, I'd much rather CHP merely do the right thing, even though it is possible their error could eventually benefit me more financially.
Be aware that there is a distinct possibility that Chesapeake is right and you are wrong, Gary. They have had a survey done and you haven't. Have you thought of asking Chesapeake to provide you with a copy of the Survey? It is a requirement under the terms of some of my leases.


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