Here is the first shot across the bow.

“The mounting evidence clearly demonstrates that this tragedy was preventable and the direct result of BP’s reckless decisions and actions. Frankly, we are shocked by the publicly available information that has been disclosed in recent investigations and during this week’s testimony that, among other things, indicates BP operated unsafely and failed to monitor and react to several critical warning signs during the drilling of the Macondo well. BP’s behavior and actions likely represent gross negligence or willful misconduct and thus affect the obligations of the parties under the operating agreement,” continued Hackett.

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Looks like somebody has read their operating agreement looking for keywords to absolve themselves of responsibility, and indemnification...
Dion, I just told someone that a lawyer had written this statement because all JOA's typically include the "gross negligence" and/or "wilful misconduct" verbage.
And yet, of course, they were curiously silent about any of this "willful misconduct" prior to the catastrophe on the Macondo well.

I guess Anadarko's own 25% working interest in the well was enough to keep them mum about any negligence concerns prior to current worries about being drug into the legal repercussions of this mess.

Very true. It's not like all of those Kerr McGee hands just up and disappeared after the merger. Anadarko intended to increase and consolidate its presence in the offshore with its merger with K-M. It sold off significant amounts of onshore assets (in NW LA and elsewhere) to finance the deal.
most partners have access and would be required to approve final production casing and cement design. Having worked on projects with Anadarko as a partner, they are usually involved in the drilling program approval and execution.
From what is known so far, the foreman on the rig, appear to have made some terrible errors in interpreting the negative pressure test and continued signs of casing / seal assy failure before displacing the sea water.
anadarko has had our property leased in NW Natchitoches parish since 2006 and had staked two well on it last year and never drilled them. i wonder if they are going to get in the haynesville shale play in louisiana or stay in texas where most was already held by production? we have less than a year left with Encana drilling in the joining sections.
jr, hope that they get distracted and forget about you. You may be in for another payday. Then again they may regret their offshore move and move back into inshore stuff.



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