American Right of Way Associates Opens Haynesville Shale Office

Shreveport, LA, October 21, 2008 --( ARWA (American Right of Way Associates) announced today that they opened their Haynesville Shale office in downtown Shreveport, Louisiana. American Right of Way Associates is the subsidiary company of Texas Right of Way Associates (TRWA, Inc) based out of Fort Worth, Texas. ARWA, a right of way acquisitions firm and in conjunction with “The Barnett Shale Training Center” will be offering Training Classes in “The Haynesville Shale Training Center” The training classes include Right of Way Acquisitions, Land Title Research and In The Field Training for the next generation of Right of Way Agents,” says, Don Valden, CEO of TRWA, Inc.

ARWA with statewide capabilities will also provide Mineral Leasing Landmen, preliminary design survey, ALTA/ ASCM As-built, oil and natural gas pipeline alignment route and right of way surveys, construction staking and many other phases.

When Valden was asked why ARWA wanted to get into the Haynesville Shale leasing, right of way acquisitions and land survey, Valden answered “I have worked in the state of Louisiana for half of my 27 year career in oil & gas and have developed new techniques and negotiation skills for the past 5 years in the Barnett Shale play that has helped our energy clients acquire some of the toughest right of way in urban areas as well as rural areas. Also, with our in-house land survey division and pipeline construction division, ARWA is a turn-key service company which makes us unique, more efficient and accountable to our clients.”

ARWA’s President, Ted Valdez, says “The Haynesville Shale is very similar to the Barnett Shale and will have similar obstacles as the Barnett”. Valdez also said “ARWA has the understanding of what our clients need in this type of play because of our experience in the Barnett Shale the last few years”.

American Right of Way Associates, Inc. is a full service Professional Right of Way Acquisition firm dedicated to serving the needs of the Oil & Gas industry and the Energy Companies currently working in the Haynesville Shale play and the Barnett Shale play.

American Right of Way Associates, Inc. has over 27 years experience in the Oil & Gas Industry and 5 years experience in the Barnett Shale.

American Right of Way Associates, Inc. is the only right of way acquisition firm conducting professional training classes for future Right of Way Agents and Land Title agents.


If you'd like more information on pricing, or to schedule a meeting/interview with Don Valden, call 817-361-8839.

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Unfortunately Randy , I dont believe the surface has been scratched concerning what we will see in the future from the "Bigs".

I remember you stating on here somwhere how long you have been in the business. I dont think it has been long enough to have gone through a play anywhere near as large as the H/S. Sometimes it takes extraordinary circumstances to make somebody really throw all their cards on the table so to speak. I just happen to believe that while this play has brought out the worst in some individuals, it has brought out the worst in the O&G's as well.

You as an individual arent to blame, except when you try to justify abhorant behavior.You must be cautious, if you still want to be viewed in the manor that many currently view you here, about defending something that the O&G's have done. If you had nothing to do with the current tactics then steering clear may be the best move.Trying to shed light on issues that people are peeved about will not be received with open arms.People are hurt by the stand, or lack there of, made by some of the "bigs".Nor will they soon forget it either.You my friend are going to have to suck it up. You will be eating pie served up by the O&G's for a while.Nobody said it was fair ! But then again neither is life.Have a good one.
True, I know staying out of any conversations is what must be done to avoid association. Yes, I think that's sad, but true.

ah well.
Have you not heard that the O&G's are going broke and do not need to drill anymore gas..........I will donate my land to them for free,,,why don't you??? (JOKE) The O'&G's has never cared about the land owner!!!!! It is all about PROFIT!!! I also know of elderly people that were taken advantage of in Feb 08 to sign for 250 acre. (South Linwood Ave) (The O&G's did not know at that time there was gas under the land, BUT went public end of March.........) I do not feel sorry for any and I mean any landman because they knew what they were doing!!!!!!!
I have had a lease offer rescinded by Petrohawk, myself, but I would find myself hard pressed to say that as a result of that, I wished they had never discovered the Haynesville Shale. On the contrary, it is the most exciting thing that has happened to Northwest Louisiana and east Texas in maybe forever. I fully intend that it provide my retirement $$ for the rest of my life, supplemented by the hard earned $$ that I have managed to accumulate in my retirement plan for the past 30 plus years, which employment was not in the O & G industry.
I believe in honesty and integrity as much as anyone who posts on this
site , but what I don't care for is sour grapes! The Chesapeakes, Petrohawks, Encana's of the world are bringing billions of dollars into my community. Landowners were not given the sole right by a higher power to make money out of the Haynesville Shale. I see too many people spending countless hours typing at their computers about how they were gypped by this company or screwed by that company when what they should be doing is using their God given talents , getting off their duff
and go make some money off the Haynesville Shale. There have been billions of dollars changing hands in this area and there will be many billions more . There is no one who is willing to use their brain and a little sweat who can't get some of those dollars. Or they can sit back and complain. I'd rather go get some and that is exactly what i've been doing.
Did HK rescind or did you counter the offer. Once something has been countered, there is not original offer.
Hey Sue P, I couldnt just give them away so I decided to let them go for $1 an acre so the City isnt out there by themselves.
Randy, I find your input to be very much needed, and personally appreciate everything you have offered on this forum. Even if the majority may disagree with you at times, there are still some who do not. I am compelled to recall two lessons I learned early in life. "When you do something good, no one remembers, when you do something bad, no one forgets" and "you can please some people, all the time; all the people, some of the time, but you can never please all the people, all the time". Now, I could write a mini novel about the good you bring to this forum, but I seem to have misplaced the pedestal somewhere. So, to keep this brief, I just wanted to commend your presence on this forum, and let you know that your still appreciated...even if you do work for "the enemy". :P
We all get a bit worked up now and then.... then we realize that all that wasn't really necessary. It just goes to remind us (of course including myself) to keep a healthy distance from our emotions when we put pens to paper.
Randy, it IS a good way to see a different perspective. You are now witnessing your industry from the eyes of some who do not trust it. It may be a hard pill to swallow, so to speak...but if you focus solely on listening to what those who feel that way are struggling with (instead of offering opinions with counter views), I'm sure this perspective will provide you with new ways to help assist people in the area who really need it.

You don't need to take the bashing personal, in my opinion, unless you actively and knowingly participated in some of the horrible things mentioned in this site.
Well I think that is the difference between being an active contributor and being a lurker, which helps no one. Yes I may get in some tiff's every now and then, but I would much rather give my opinion and make people mad, than never offer my opinion at all.
Yeah, thats a dirty word, It's also a good point to note that not all of the big companies have utility holding companies set up in Louisiana (yet).
Nah, I thought about deleting what I wrote, but in the end it may serve to educate someone else down the road by reading it. Or seeing different perspectives so in the end it should stay I suppose.

Like I said, we all get a little hot headed on occasions, myself included.




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