Anyone have a clue what the new find is going to be?

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Y'all ...I guess I'll throw my hat in the ring on this one.  I asked a friend of mine down and CHK to poke around on this and he came back and said that this huge amount of acreage that is being talked about as a new play is actually a cumulative number of acres comprised of additional acreage in existing plays around the country. That's just what I was told by a CHK employee. Hope that doesn't damper the speculating. A little speculating gives a man something to look forward to.
I don't, only rumors but the landmen on here like two-dogs should know if the E/P people are doing any title searches south of here.  Since the U.S. has forgot about adopting any kind of energy program the price of oil is up and away.  The shift from gas to oil will be quick and those people hoping for a gas well will be left with vapors to sniff. 
You could be right HMI
Lrb2, there is leasing going on just West of Alexandria off of Hwy 28. I think it is mainly in the flat lands just before the hills or just East of Tunks on Kincaid Lake. I think Indigo is doing the leasing, they are drilling a well around the Clifton Community. One of my boots on the ground people in Sabine Parish called me a few days ago and said that he had talked to some of the contractors that are involved in the Eagle Ford that are working around Belmont  LA, at present and they said something about the Eagle Ford formation going to Pineville, they didn't know where Pineville was. It is my understanding, and if I am wrong then I need to be corrected by Jay or some other geologist, that the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale is an extension or part of the Eagle Ford.
Thanks for the info Two-Dogs.  I quess the leasing in Rapides parish is no longer just a rumor.  Any info about Vernon parish?  We got 74 acres about 8 to 10 miles southwest of the Clifton community in Vernon parish.

i just got a call tonite that there will be a major announcement about the ALEXANDRIA SHALE, that will be one of the largest oil discoveries in recent history.  i have no idea what this is about b/c my friend is already in bed.  but, if anyone knows tonite, i'll be up for a few more minutes.


but, wow.

In London so I got this at decent hour - never heard of this shale (at least in the stratigraphic record)


My bet - Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (roughly the Eagle Ford equivalent in Louisiana and SW Mississippi)



I wonder if this wildcat well being drilled by Indigo has anything to do with it.  He is the Serial # 242407.  Anyone have any info on this well?  On SONRIS it has waiting on completion any idea what zone it might be in?
Indigo's Bentley Lumber 32 permit lists the Zone or Reservoir of Proposed Completion as Edwards.  The Preliminary Completion report shows the well to be a vertical that penetrated the top of the Edwards at 11,793'.  There is officially no completion zone until the well is reported complete.  The operator could choose to complete up hole.  The base of the Austin Chalk in this area is at 10,799'.

I thought Chesapeake was to announce in the third quarter this year what their

secret play is.  Anyone know any more about this?

OK, thanks, I guess I just missed that one.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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