Petrohawk has posted a new corporate presentation that includes an their updated view of the Bossier Shale.



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Thanks Les.
Jay, Petrohawk says the best Haynesville Shale well to date is projected to have an EUR of 18 Bcf. 
In just the HA?  Just making sure I'm not misunderstanding something.
Jffree, yes - just the Haynesville Shale.
Can someone help me interpret the Lower Bossier Net Porosity Contour map?    For instance, if I have minerals inside the 200 contour what does that mean?
SC, I believe it represents the amount of Bossier Shale formation with a porosity greater than some cut-off value (ie 8%).  If gas filled it would be equivalent to net gas pay thickness.  
Thanks Les.
So, does anyone have a rule of thumb for converting the porosity numbers to EUR numbers?  I know it would be a loose estimate, but some guidelines would be helpful.  I am assuming the 200 contour is core, and likely to yield at least at the average predicted EUR for the Bossier Shale.
Robert, there is no rule of thumb but most operators use EUR's for the Bossier Shale that are ~ 90% of the Haynesville Shale.  It is virtually impossible to "map" EUR's anyway since they are not a geologic parameter and are highly interpretative.
In the telephone conference call HK started referring to 90 acre spacing which is a change from the previous 3 years of 80 acre spacing. HK also says 8-10 bcf EUR on HK operated wells, and less on non-HK operated wells. The previous EUR blob map had an 8-10 EUR contour line, whereas now it only shows 8. To me, 90 acre spacing is a step backward if EUR per well stayed the same.
WR, as you will recall Petrohawk stated they were using the 8 Bcf and 90 acre spacing in estimating their total resource potential of 15 Tcf.  This was for both operated and non-operated acreage.  These are just averages used for estimating and could be conservative so I would not get too concerned.  I also would not be too worried about the EUR contours on the Petrohawk map since this is very inexact.    
Les, can you expand on what parts of this map are lacking? Thanks.



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