Brown dense......leasing activity Union County,Union Parish.....EOG


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This is a post being sent to anyone having info on a shale fprmation called brown dense. There is a company called PINE bELT WHO IS RUMORED TO BE LEASING
several 300 to 400,000 acres in two counties in Ark. and one ....Union Parish ,La.
Is anyone selling leases?? If so ,what is the going rate?
EOG is spin-off to the old Enron company.
This lease asctivity seems to on a hush-hush basis.
Does anyone think this might be as big as any of the other shale plays? Jim B.

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I wonder if any of our geologists could comment on Mr. Mueller's following remarks from the 8-K:

"Porosity ranges from 3% to 10% in the area and the anticipated pressure gradient is 0.62 psi/ft, so it is over-pressured. Estimated matrix (unenhanced) permeability based on various methods of measurement ranges from 0.068 millidarcies to 1.17 millidarcies. Both porosity and matrix permeability are comparable to metrics reported in the Eagle Ford play in South Texas."


I understand that matrix permeability has been one of the most serious concerns about the Brown Dense, so how do the above estimated permeabilities look to you? Thanks.


Haynesville Shale Average Petrophysical Properties:

Porosity:  12.6%

Permeability:  648 nD

Ro:  1.85

IANAG!   (cut and paste in your browser and look for the link)

I am impressed by the amount of work that SWN has done.  They report having evaluated over 1,500 well logs, and they have been working with Schlumberger for more than eight months to design the best drilling and completion protocols.  They expect to spend $10 MM on the first well, $2 MM of which will be "for science."  Your instincts are correct - normally, a producer will want to know what they have before releasing data.  The adage in corporate communications is: "Under promise and over deliver."  The market really punishes negative surprises.  For that reason, I can only surmise that SWN is very confident they'll have commerical success.  $150 MM spent so far also suggests that they don't consider this an exploratory risk.  BTW: EOG drilled the Hensley well to the BD in Lafayette County, AR two years ago.  Brammer Anderson drilled a BD test in Columbia County, AR one year ago.  They couldn't complete the full lateral, but still tested 40 bopd.  There is already a BD well permitted to the south.  I believe the operator is JW Operating.  These projects and many well bores that penetrated the full Smackover interval probably give SWN what they needed to justify leasing and announcing before an actual test.

The nD is nanodarcies.  So just convert nanodarcies to millidarcies and you got it.  Piece of cake.

The Ro is industry speak for Thermal Maturity.

The thermal maturity of a rock is a measure of the degree to which organic metamorphism has progressed, and gives a crude indication of the maximum temperature the rock has experienced. The dependence of maturity on time is roughly linear while temperature dependence is closer to exponential. There are many methods for quantifying thermal maturity, each of which relies on a specific, non-reversible, temperature-dependent, chemical or physical process that acts on one or more components of rock. The techniques most appropriate for a given situation depend on the lithology to be examined, the present-day temperature, the required precision in the palaeotemperature estimate, and fiscal limitations.


Now go ask ShaleGeo to interpret  because I am way over my pay grade here. LOL! IANAG (I Am Not A Geologist).

I did find some info online from EOG in which they say that oil can be extracted from horizontal wells with the following minimum matrix in situ permeabilities and the indicated type of fracturing:

No fracturing:  10 millidarcies

Bi-Wing fracs:  0.01 millidarcies

Complex fracs: 0.001 millidarcies

Multi-stage complex: 0.0001 millidarcies

See page 4 of this link:


So it would seem that millidarcies from 0.068 to 1.17 are well within the extractable range.

Another explation can be found at:

Start reading after Figure 2

They announced their unconventional oil play but are they also involved in a conventional play? There is the May application to the arkansas oil and gas commission to drill a vertical well in s12-t19s-r20w. (127-2011-05) 'WILL DRILL is the operator and Triad is listed as an interest owner. Triad executed many of those leases as they were among the first filed of record in the Columbia County Courthouse.
I believe that Will Drill force intergrated the Triad leases.
Congratulations North LA, You were talking about the Lower Smackover Brown Dense a year ago.  Good luck to you and all of the other mineral owners in the area.
It appears in this case it was.
The meeting in question was a public info meeting on south AR leasing held in ELD and MAG.  Not the commission hearings you spoke of.
bpm, there are comments in the thread relating to the J-W unit hearing to which The Baron refers and the two later public informational meetings held by the AOGC.  As far as my memory serves, the fact that SWN executives flew in on a private jet to observe the J-W presentation was the first indication that SWN was interested in or possibly involved in the Triad/Pine Belt leasing in S. AR.



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