I just read a Petrohawk press release from Nov 6, 2008 that stated that they had completed a new Haynesville shale well in Bossier Parish. Well stats were: 15.7 MCF on a 24/64 in. choke, 6700 PSI flowing pressure, lateral length 4100', 12 stage fracture. PHK stated that they would have 14 rigs operating in HS during 2009. Can anyone tell me where in Bossier Parish this new well is located. Thanks.

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Thanks, I will check Questar's cc.

Copied from the press release...

Since its operational update on October 21, 2008, Petrohawk has completed one additional well in Bossier Parish, Louisiana, targeting the Haynesville Shale. The EGP #64H (100% WI), located in Section 10, Township 16 North, Range 11 West, was placed on production at a rate of approximately 15.7 Mmcfe/d, on a 24/64" choke with 6,700 pounds flowing casing pressure. The well has a lateral length of approximately 4,100 feet and was completed using 12 stages of fracture stimulation.

When checking the SONRIS database, for well #64 in T16N-R11W-Sec10, I find well serial #238309. That well is operated by KCS. Petrohawk and KCS signed a merger in 2006.

Originally, T16N-R11W-sec10 was designated as HOSS RA 64. In July of his year, KCS submitted application which re-designated the unit as HA RA SUD. A public hearing (08-1380) was set for September of this year.

I am unable to locate actual production records for the well, but you might keep a watch for when they do release that data to the general public.
Grice, thanks for all the info. The source that I read was not a direct press release from HK, but a summation of their release, so did not have well location specified nor well #. We are in 17N, 11W, and were in negotiations with HK when most leasing stopped, and they withdrew their offer. Hopefully, with more successful wells in that general area they will return.

Keep your eyes on well 238911 & 234344. One well in in sec3 and the other in sec4. The Jacob well (234344) is permitted to the CV, and the Cryus well (238911) is permitted to the HS. Both of those sections were unitized by Samson. Since they are in you neighboring areas, they would be a fair consideration for future activity in your section.
The Haynesville is HA there is no HS in LA that I am aware of.

Hackberry Hby Hack -
Harang Har - -
Harkrider Hkr - -
Harrell Hal H -
Hassell Hass - -
Haynesville Ha Hay -
Helis Hel - -
Heterostegina Het - -
Hill H - -
Hill Lime Zone HLZ - -
Hodge Hunt H-H - -
Hodges Hod - -
Hollywood Hlywd Hw -
Holt Bryant Hb - -
Homeseekers Hmskrs Hmsk -
Hosston Hoss Hos -
I think people understand "HS" as used in these dicussions refers to the area in NW LA/East TX that contains the Haynesville Shale, not to UNIT Orders that refer to depths, zones, etc. However, thank you for your clarification to those who may need it.
Correct. The abbreviation "HS" indicates talks about the Haynseville Shale in general, and is often used to simplify the conversation. If more specific information is requested, such as with unit orders, then "HA" would be appropriate. The use of "HA" would indicate the Reservoir A of the Haynesville Shale formation.
Thank you for the correction.
No it has been there for a long time. You just have to work in the trade to understand some of the terms just like in education BD/ED means Behavior Disorder/Emotionally Disturbed, RA SUB means Reservoir A, Sand Unit B.
KB, actually the HA stands for Haynesville Zone in the unit applications. See I just opened a big can of worms.
KB, whattttt????
The abbreviations and nomenclature have been around for longer than most people on this site have been alive. Its important to realize that the geology varies throughout the state. The Haynesville formation for example changes depending on location. As you move north, the HA shale actually turns into a sand, but the nomenclature remains the same.


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