Just wondering how all those people who voted for Obama in last Presidential election are liking their " Hope and Change" ?

How are all you liking the Hope and Change?

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George Soros had a little help from a "good ole boy" from Alabama - Jim Rogers.  But that is what capitalism is all about - markets and traders making money.  Greed is good and, my friend, you will be praying for a little "socialism" before it is all said and done.  Read your history, Thomas Jefferson wrote about the dangers of banks.


"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."


inthestix, maybe Soros and Rogers did the world a service?  Unfortunately, our time is right around the bend.  And for many, it is about black and white.


Take care.

First thing I am not your friend!  Second thing is I will never be a socialist like yourself.  I  put God and my country first and foremost in my life!  What is wrong is that many people like yourself make it a black white issue which is nothing to do with anything unless you make it that way  yourself!  Sorry to disappoint you but it will never happen here and long as we have a living breath within us to stop it!   And I think you need to read your history!  It is called the constitution! lol  If you don't like America then move somewhere like Russia...even better Siberia!  Who the hell do you think is gonna pay for you to sit on your ass when there are no companies, no banks and no money or should I say government check!  The government has never made a dime in its history!  Private business and companies provide jobs not government!  Obviously you are not for oil and gas if you are on this site since you are so liberal!!

To inthestix


You can take a boy out of the stixs, but you can't take the stixs out of the boy!


You have a dizzying intellect my Fascist friend. 

Just for the record, I didn't start the name calling.  I simply provided a counter-point to "Hope & Change" thing!


Good Night John Boy.  I too was born in God's County (Shenandoah Valley, VA).

 Roy,   he is just upset cause his idol Obama is sinking fast!  When they have no substantial facts to present then they result to name calling or still blaming Bush! lol
Amen Roy!   Take a look at Rick Perry.  I do believe he is going to be the man to beat him!  Roy I am from the stix myself.  The land I live on has been in my family for over a hundred years and I will be damn if I am going to give it to the government for someone who wants every one of us working men to pay their way and them sit on their ass and draw a check.
Hear,Hear stixs I`m in your corner!!!!! Some people are very upset because their leader is in way over his head he has no answers, ready for 2012, I hope the people are ready to take a stand and make Obama a one term Pres. God bless the USA.
Roy...we have to produce more natural gas to pay for that big armored bus that he just bought with our money, to travel around and tell more lies, instead of being at his job playing like he is getting us out of this mess! lol   Seems like he would promote O&G that produces thousands of JOBS instead of doing everything he can to destroy O&G in the US...  Now we are talking about NG again! lol



"The combination of depressed natural gas prices in North America [Supply & Demand] and robust oil prices has prompted independent producers to ramp up drilling activity in fields rich in oil, condensate and natural gas liquids (NGL) while reining in operations in Louisiana’s Haynesville Shale and other dry-gas plays. By many accounts, natural gas production has become incidental to these higher-value hydrocarbons."


Sorry to hear that the E&P companies have abandoned the NatGas folks inthestixs for the more profitable liquids plays around the country.  Don't worry to much, though, Rick Perry is coming to the rescue of all the poor, hard working Aggies.  LOL



Natural gas prices would be higher if it weren't for policies created by the Obama adminstration.  Of course producers were going for oil with the price going up!  The other side is worried about Mr. Perry for sure and have a right to be! 

This is a very good topic. What happened to it?


Richard,   I guess Little Easy got on the bus with Obama!  He needs all the help he can  to get him out of this mess we are in! lol....But of course that is just where he wants us to be....in a mess!  


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