This is the nuttiest sounding claim I have heard yet - but apparently it comes straight from a university.   Seriously, someone's pr dept should get busy to find where this info the Associated Press (AP) got came from. 


By DALE WETZEL, Associated Press


BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Facing pressure to bring in more students as North Dakota's booming oil industry made it tougher to coax new high school graduates into college, Dickinson State University began looking overseas to boost its enrollment.

China, which sends more students to U.S. universities than any other nation, became one of the school's more reliable suppliers of young people.

But as an audit made public Friday revealed, lax recordkeeping and oversight resulted in hundreds of degrees being awarded to students who didn't finish their course work. Others enrolled who couldn't speak English or hadn't achieved the "C'' average normally required for admission.

The report depicts Dickinson State as a diploma mill for foreign students, most of whom were Chinese. Of 410 foreign students who have received four-year degrees since 2003 — most of them in the past four years — 400 did not fulfill all the graduation requirements, it said.

The report raises questions about whether public universities, strapped for cash at a time of sharply declining state support for higher education, are cutting corners to attract foreign students who typically pay full out-of-state tuition. It also comes amid an unprecedented boom in the number of Chinese students studying at U.S. universities."


It shows how far behind we are in the o&g debate and how easy it is to just blame every bad thing on us. The scandals over unqualified (but high paying) foreign students is just beginning to be recognized.  But I never expected oil and gas to be to bad guy causing it!  But, it shows how easy we are to blame. It's crazy to think that good paying jobs hurt colleges.


for the full article on US News and World report see below

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How about allowing supply and demand to work, then drop tuition prices accordingly or offering degrees in areas that the economy needs? Then maybe they could fill the class rooms.

Other Internet articles on the same subject don't mention the O&G industry at all.

If this is a "diploma mill," it has nothing to do with O&G.    It needs to be closed, just like a "diploma mill"  (and I use this word very loosely here) c-o-l-l-e-g-e was closed in Shreveport several years back...  Not be allowed to recruit foreign populations, who are more-often-than-not also looking for a "mate" who will provide a way for them to stay in U.S.

Just my opine.

DrWAVeSport Cd1  2/12/2012


Getting away from subject here...  But, Shreveport/Bossier and many communities began seeing an influx of foreign "migration" into the U.S. by way of "student visas."  The "student visa" is the easiest, most abused, and most successful "visa" way to entery U.S., and then get "lost."

Often (and I have knowledge of this on a personal front in more than a half dozen local individuals) these "students" get their visas, register at the "college," and don't show up.  Their visa is then cancelled.  However, the "individual" gets "lost" (under the radar) out of sight by changing their name/aliases, and are never looked for again by U.S.  They often find and  pay someone to "marry" them.  They fool our U.S. system, and work under the "legitimacy" of "spouse" or family members who have previously made their way into U.S., and they live "IN PLAIN SIGHT," without having/needing any of the credentials, you or I have to have to file taxes, drive, own businesses, etc.

Often these "individuals" will pay mega CASH to a legit business owner, work under the "business owner's" credentials/permits/licenses, etc. for years... and conduct "their businesses" without ever being detected.

These "individuals" are masters at illusion and hidding in plain sight.  They move around from state to state, living with "relatives," and others who are practicing the same "frauds."  And they recruit more and more "individuals" for same purposes...BECAUSE IT getting "individuals" into U.S. 

Again...  Quite off topic for this discussion.  But, I for one, believe the U.S. has NO CLUE as to the numbers of "individuals" who are "lost" and "living" and "operating" in this Country under the above "visa" tactics...  Nor do we have a clue as to the BILLIONS of Dollars that go unreported by these "individuals," as the businesses they conduct are mostly "cash" enterprises.

I worry about this phenomenon.  I call it the NEW COLONIZATION OF AMERICA.   I don't believe it being done for the "good" of the U.S.  I believe it is being done for the "capture" of American "resources" for "outside influences that are, for me, questionable, at the very least.  As the "individuals" I know of, oppose all things "AMERICAN."

One thing is for sure, these "individuals" often have plenty of $$$$$$$ from "sources" that the average American student does not have access to without signing their life away in student loans.  It is a bad situation for our U.S. student population.  The costs incurred by U.S. students is an ABOMINATION.  IMO   And, U.S. students cannnot "fly" under the "radar."   The bank/U.S. government/student loan sharks will always find the U.S. student.  A NO WIN Situation for U.S. Students.  A "WIN-WIN" situation for those who use "student visas" to game the U.S. for non-educational purposes.  Again, IMO.   This does NOT happen in reverse!  U.S. Students cannot "get lost" in foreign countries and "game" their governments.  They face being thrown out, or getting arrested.  

I will stop here.  I apologize for not "ranting" in the Political Forum pages...

DrWAVeSport Cd1 2/12/2012

P.S.  Anyone with any sense who reads the referenced "article" above can see the author has mixed his apples and his oranges in his "headline."  Why?  Maybe he's just not a very good writer/reporter (?)   A good Editor could have "saved" him.  LOL 


What I object to is how the university (or the reporter) is claiming this is because of the oil industry.  Colleges all over the US in non o&g areas are doing the same exact thing.  It's false to claim that they must go outside the US because of potential students taking jobs in the oil and gas industry.  They are doing it because foreign students can pay more and don't cost financial aid (as blue collar students often need).


I predict we this is just the beginning of the news stories we will read about foreign students being favored over local graduates.  Most colleges won't be able to blame it on an O&G boom.


Frankly, I want full disclosure both of what's in fracking fluids and who gets admitted to our state universities.  Call me suspicious, but I think many deserving high school kids are getting shut out in favor of wealthier out of state students.

The original post was about the oil industry being blamed for colleges having to look overseas for students. That's BS and our PR folks should be demanding who said this and why.


But, it will become a political issue as more US students are priced out of their home state's universities and out of state students are favored. I would never have posted this if not for Dickinson College blaming the oil industry for having to recruit overseas.  That's crazy talk when the reality is that young people are beating down the doors to get into colleges.


"BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Facing pressure to bring in more students as North Dakota's booming oil industry made it tougher to coax new high school graduates into college, Dickinson State University began looking overseas to boost its enrollment.

China, which sends more students to U.S. universities than any other nation, became one of the school's more reliable suppliers of young people.

But as an audit made public Friday revealed, lax recordkeeping and oversight resulted in hundreds of degrees being awarded to students who didn't finish their course work. Others enrolled who couldn't speak English or hadn't achieved the "C'' average normally required for admission."


If this is an "news" article for a "schmuck" story for a diploma mill... Could it be the ND high school graduates as a whole are smarter than Dickinson State "University"  gives them credit for not attending a diploma mill facility?  Maybe ND high school graduates want to get a good college education instead of a fake one.  IMO only.

Again, the article title is misleading, as you say, and will be trashed by most, for birdcage lining.




sesport II,

That's Jay's way of  reminding us old "opines" to place our "opines" where the "opines" gather.  LOL


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