We don't get much info on her about drilling INSIDE the city of Shreveport. We have property near Jewella & 70th St. Noticed that just south of there near Interloop and Mansfiel Rd. is being unitized. Anyone have any updates on all these areas? Is this in the Cotton Valley Liquid Play that Indigo is drilling

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Those Chesapeake units are for the Haynesville zone, not the CV.  The city limits appear to be too far north to be prospective for the CV liquids play. 

As always thanks for the info Skip

KCM, it is hard to say if this area could have Cotton Valley potential since the Indigo play area has not been well defined.

I have some property in Shreveport near Mansfield Road and Hearn Avenue at Midway.  I have never heard from anyone about leasing it.  It is only one lot but I have heard that there has been leasing inside the town.  I would be interested to know what happens if they are drilling near there. 

Unless your minerals are included in a drilling unit, nothing.  When an energy company forms a unit they are required to send notice letters to all owners of record within the boundaries of the unit and to those owning adjacent property to a distance of 1000'.  If your ownership interest is documented in the public records of Caddo Parish an applicant for a drilling unit will be required to make reasonable effort to contact you. when and if your minerals meet that definition.


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