CHK has sent out a letter to its leaseholders about revisions to their monthly statements....

"...Previously, the per-unit price of gas was reported after subtracting allowable deductions.  Going forward, the per-unit price of gas may appear higher because certain deductions previously subtracted by our purchaser will now be listed separately.  The bottom line will remain the same...."

I have no idea why they are doing this, but I bet a lot of people are going to erupt when they finally see how much CHK is taking out to pay their affiliated purchaser.

Tags: CHK, deductions, statement

Views: 7407

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Does anyone know if this is going to include Texas??

That is so, Rude, Sir ,is a sign of , respect. It is Not just for so called High positions ! Be nice,

I believe Dion is a she, hence not a sir.  Just sayin.  And for the record my Chesapeake statement showed nothing new this month as far as deductions.  Which means the pre-deduction deductions are still "embedded" (i.e. hidden)


"Parker" is a she, I am not.  If you should find a woman who looks like me, run.  I do not believe that I have earned the title "Sir", and even if I have, I'm not sure I would know what to do with it (apparently).

Ms. Jessye:

I generally am nice.  IMO, "Sir" did not come across as respectful while I was being knocked into the proverbial corner pocket.  To me, it would be same as starting off a response to a person with "Thank you for your reply" and then telling that same person that no one had solicited their response and to go away.


FYI, the response given "Don't call me sir...  I work for a living" (or similar) is a favorite response of NCOs when addressed as "Sir".  That was the reference being drawn upon.  I also respond similarly to being called "Mr. Warr" - the response usually resembles "My grandfather was Mr. Warr; I'm Dion" (can't refer to my father, he would say the same thing, substituting his name as appropriate).


Maybe when I have a few more gray hairs on my head, I'll cuddle up to the idea.  Not there yet.

I got plenty of gray hairs but still don't cotton to be called  Mr. Two  Dogs.

personally i have found chesapeake to be less than honest.  that being said (and i admit, i just skimmed some of the really long posts on this thread) dion and skip have always struck me as honest and forthright in what they post here, even if i have disagreed with them on some things in the past.

and that being said... as i recall, i believe that i agree with skip's solution to this problem, which was basically to put political pressure on some of the right judges to equitably enforce the mineral code on behalf of the landowners instead of allowing the o&g industry to run roughshod over them.  if his point was more nuanced than that i don't remember, and certainly don't wish to put words in skip's mouth.

So, it's been 3 months since my mother got the letter telling her that CHK is going to show deductions on her statement.  She finally got her first statement since then.  What a crock.  This is soooo misleading.  Let me explain.

CHK took deductions for "FA" and "GA" of 2 cents and 43 cents per mcfe, respectively.  That doesn't sound too bad, compared to the numbers that have been tossed about on this site.  One might even think Mom is doing pretty well here.  You might even think the new CEO of CHK is going to change their shifty ways.  But NOOOOOO!

One needs to look at the gross price CHK gave Mom for her gas -- $3.48.  Somehow Petrohawk managed to sell my gas for the same month for $3.84  So when I actually take the deductions out of Mom's price, she only gets only $3.03, or $0.81 less than I do.  If Mom didn't know how much I was getting for my gas, she might even start to like CHK for its low deductions.

So this whole thing about being more transparent is a bunch of BS, when they don't bother to tell you that the gross price you are getting stinks.


3.84 was your gross price, net price, or both (you are getting "no deducts")?

I feel your pain. I too feel cheated. This is something I am wondering. They are deducting value from our gross as a fee. Well we should at least be able to claim that as a tax deduction. Someone please explain this to me.

When CHK deducts my gross value by fees it is costing me alot of money. Why do they get to claim the deduction instead of me? If they charge me a fee, I am still loosing money.

I am not a lawyer.  But I don't see how you can write anything off here.  Let's take my mother's case.  Her income is based upon getting $3.03 for her gas.  That's what CHK will report to the IRS, and that is what she made.  I don't see how she can take a deduction.

Jo Ann:

I would concur with what Henry and Andrew write here (above and/or below). Most individuals and even small LLCs book income on a cash basis, which means if you don't receive anything above net as actual income, you don't receive credit, but you are not liable for taxes for it either. Under this scenario, the only offsets that would be allowed would be those availed to you depending upon your circumstances, e.g., depletion allowances, etc. if you are eligible. Even if gross is reported on your 1099, net expenses will be reported as well which should offset your gross to the extent of your net; that being said, I'm no CPA, so do your homework.



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