What costs for drilling, completion, production, etc. can be charged to unleased mineral owners?

I have property in a unit with a well that went on-line last month and am unleased. I have sent certified letters to the operator asking for itemized cost reports and have only received statements showing tangible/intangible costs; nothing specific. Do I need a professional to audit cost reports, and if so, can someone recommend one? Thanks!

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Based on what I have been told by those who have gone before you a would suggest you place a limit on the amount of money you are willing to spend to accomplish your objective before authorizing the professional to represent you and have a clear understanding all charges including expenses they expect the client to pay for the services rendered.  In this case Goliath is wearing a helmet.  I can give you names of others in the same situation if can be of help as I do support you and understand the frustration you feel.


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